A place to dump all useful links we stumble upon.
Feel free to add stuff you find as well! create your own branch and PR
- Videos
- Documents
- Videos
- Documents
- BitBucket Git Guide - use github though
- Videos
- Articles
- With PDFS
- Paid (or ones i didnt find pdf for)
- Videos
- How the Internet Works in 5 Minutes
- HTTP/1 to HTTP/2 to HTTP/3
- What is a Domain Name?
- Everything You Need to Know About DNS (Domain Name System)
- SSL, TLS, HTTPS Explained
- What happens when you type a URL into your browser?
- Different Types of Web Hosting Explained!
- VPNs, Proxies and Secure Tunnels Explained (Deepdive)
- Documents
- Videos
- Videos
calmcode.io - cool website that has a lot of concepts
roadmap.sh - roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help guide the developers in picking up the path and guide their learnings.
ByteByteGo Newsletter - a blog that has a lot of important concepts
Corey Schafer - one of the best python youtubers out there