Simple clone of Facebook. Created in Python framework called Django.
- Posts
- Profile details
- User authentication
- Comments
- Chat logic
- Users can make posts that are visible for everyone on their main page.
- You can give like to this post.
- By going to details you can read comments and add yours if you will
- Also you can give reactions to comments
- When you click user profile picture in main page or in post details. You will be redirected to user's profile page
- On that page you can see posts created by this user and user email
- You can't enter the page without being a user
- Page will force you to login
- If you don't have an account you can register by clicking in "Register now!"
- You chat with users you have to create chat room
- When chat room is created you can send message to user and it will only be visible for them.
- Chat uses Django Rest Framework. To enable more dynamic interactions.
- It is not realtime chating.
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 makemigrations
python3 migrate
And you should be ready to go