This is a fun Tic-Tac-Toe games where a user can play against himself!
This was my very first front-end project, so I took great pride in planning this out, creating it, and finally seeing it work. First deciding how it should look, then take deep thought about what all functions I would like for this game to have, and what all the user should be able to do with it. I will list out every action I feel a user would want and expect from a small application like this in my User Stories, and use those as a guide for building my game. Once I have those in mind, I will create my wireframe, being sure to keep it clean and clear to navigate through, as well as carefully considering how each function of the Game should work and be displayed.
Finally I will begin working on my code, first setting up all folders that will communicate with the server for the users email and password and make sure that they are stored. My plan is to then use BootStrap to make my GameBoard, as well as add in all buttons and input forms inside of HTML for a bit of structuring. I plan on using different pages to keep all authentication separate and from the actual game as that will keep all current screens organized and uncluttered. I plan on using JQuery for all Event Listeners, For Loops to iterate through win/lose/draw scenarios, and UI messages for displaying all success and or failure progress.
I plan to carefully study and break down all issues that arise, giving myself time to work through each one and use internet resources to help me problem solve and debug for future projects. To prevent code loss I plan to commit and push frequently, and in the end, make sure that my console is clear of any logs and errors.
- As a user I want to be able to sign up to the game and have my email and password saved.
- As a user I want my password to be concealed.
- As a user I would like to be able to log in before the game is displayed.
- As a user I want to be able to sign in to the game.
- As a user I want to be able to start a new game
- As a user I want to be able to be able to click on spaces, alternating my marks from X to O.
- As a user I would like to be unable to click on squares that have already been selected, and be notified if I try clicking that square again.
- As a user I want to be notified win either X or O has won, or if there was a draw.
- As a user I want to be able to start a new Game.
- As a user I want to be able to change my password.
- As a user I want to be able to sign out.
- JavaScript
- BootStrap
- JQuery
- Could work on better screen responsiveness.
- Would like to add a multiplayer setting.
- Would like player to be able to play against CPU.
- Would like to be able to resume unfinished game.