Academic Earth believes that everyone has the right to a world-class education. We are building a cloud based Web Application for online learners. 'E-Learning explores interactive technologies and communication systems to improve the learning experience.
Many people face the problem when they want to learn something new or they have some skills which they want to share among people, then they can add their content/sources on our web application.
In our application many users provide various sources in one place so that learners need not to worry about where to gain new skills. They can choose one of the best sources among these and start learning.
It makes possible a truly ambitious education system for a future learning society.
Users of our application could be anyone who wants to find a course, articles etc. from different online course providers. They will be able to like and share the course, they can add sources to our web application
Name | Github Username |
Ayush Gupta | [link ] |
Aman Kushwaha | [] |
Satish Narayan | [link] |
- React JS
- Node JS
- Next JS
- Express JS
+ Amazon AWS SES,IAM,S3 and EC2
- Mongoo DB Cluster
Domain Will available very very soon..............
- Academic Earth requires Node.js v4+ to run online
- Or it Requires Netbeans/VS Code/Apache Net Beans as a Software Run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the client side.
$ cd client
$ npm install -y
$ npm run dev
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the Server side.
$ cd server
$ npm install -y
$ npm start
@Copyright Academic-Earth 2020