Write a Fullstack microblog web application for Twitter analogue with awesome features.
A user can have one of 3 roles:
- Administrator
- Moderator
- User
- The administrator has the right to view any pages, block them for any period of time and permanently, delete any posts and block users. The administrator also has access to the admin panel.
- The moderator has the right to view any pages, block them for any period of time, delete any posts.
- The user can:
- register, log in
- create a page, edit its title, uuid and description, add and remove tags to it, make it private/public
- subscribe to other people's pages (throw a subscription request in case of private pages)
- view the list of those wishing to subscribe to the page (in case of private) and confirm / refuse to subscribe ( one by one or all at once)
- write posts on their pages, edit them, delete
- like/unlike posts, reply to them on behalf any of his own pages
- View Liked Posts
- User and page avatars are stored in the cloud storage.
- Send email notifications to subscribers about new posts.
- Show news feed (all new posts of signed and own pages)
- Automatically block all user pages if the user is blocked
- Provide page search by title/uuid/tag and users by username/name (using one endpoint)
- Check extensions of uploaded files
- Show page statistics (number of posts, subscribers, likes, etc.), which is generated on the microservice, only to page owners
- Databases: PostgreSQL, DynamoDB
- Authorization: PyJWT
- Scheduler: Celery, Flower
- Broker: RabbitMQ
- Backend: Django, Django Rest Framework, FastAPI, boto3, Pydantic
- Frontend: React, MUI, Webpack, Bootstrap
- Cloud: AWS(SES, S3, EC2)
- DevOps: Docker, Docker-compose
Clone project to your folder
git clone https://github.com/amarjin6/innotter.git
Check for updates and install all necessary requirements
pipenv shell pipenv install -r requirements.txt
Create env folder in project root & declare all env variables
mkdir env cd env touch db.env fastapi.env localstack.env rabbitmq.env
Build docker services
docker-compose up --build docker-compose run django docker-compose up docker-compose down
Open project in your browser & check its functionality
google-chrome --no-sandbox