A Github Action to publish your Python package to Anaconda Cloud.
Starting 2.0.0, it uses mamba (from boa) to build the package (more faster than conda build command...)
name: Publish
on: [release]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: publish-to-conda
uses: amauryval/publish_conda_package_action@2.0.3
# CondaDir: locate the directory containing your meta.yml, conda_build_config.yaml (...) files
CondaDir: 'conda'
# Channels: You can add more channel with a space separator
Channels: 'conda-forge an-other-chan'
# Platforms: remove one or more of these platforms
Platforms: 'osx-64 linux-32 linux-64 win-32 win-64 noarch'
CondaUsername: ${{ secrets.CONDA_USERNAME }}
CondaPassword: ${{ secrets.CONDA_PASSWORD }}
- Configure CONDA_USERNAME and CONDA_PASSWORD secrets on your settings repository