Note This application was developed specifically for the KDE desktop environment. A version suited for GNOME built in Python/GTK/ADW can be found here: GNordVPN.
Warning This application is not actively maintained!
Kompass - Open-source graphical NordVPN client for Linux.
What is Kompass? Kompass is an easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) wrapping the functionality provided by NordVPN Linux command-line interface (CLI). It relies directly on the NordVPN CLI and provides the most commonly used features in a user-friendly interface.
What Kompass is not! Kompass was never meant to implement all available NordVPN features. It's intention is to provide a quick and easy way to connect to a VPN, disconnect a VPN and show the current VPN status. All of this in an easy-to-use graphical user interface.
- Connect to NordVPN
- Servers by Country
- Servers by Category/Group
- Fastest (as suggested by NordVPN)
- Any specific server you choose
- Supports all NordVPN settings available on Linux
- KillSwitch
- Obfuscate
- THreatProtect
- Meshnet
- etc.
- Tray icon to quickly
- Connect
- Disconnect
- See the connection status
- Installation and Upgrade Script
- Upgrade Monitor
- Built-in Auto-Updater
- Free and open-source
- Secure! The application does ot store your NordVPN credentials.
- Lightweight! The application does not need to run while connected to NordVPN.
Kompass is easy to use. Select either a specific VPN server type, or a country to connect to, or put your fate in the hands of NordVPN and let it decide what is the fastest server to use. Toggle the Connect switch and that's it.
As soon as Kompass could establish a connection with a VPN server, the user interface will show the connection status and additional connection details:
To Disconnect toggle that switch once more and Kompass will disconnect your from the VPN. The Minimize to Tray button in the lower left corner sends Kompass to your system tray:
A left-click on the tray icon will open/show the application. A right-click on the icon will display the context menu shown in the screen copy above. The context menu includes:
- The current connection status
- A menu action to disconnect a VPN
- A menu action to connect to the Fastest server
The Fastest server is the server NordVPN considers the best for your current location.
To update your NordVPN settings, use the Settings button in the main application window. The opening dialog will present you your current NordVPN configuration and allow you to edit these settings:
Kompass is easy to install. It comes with its own installation script that will guide you through the installation process. Grab the latest release, unpack it, and run the installer.
$ tar -xvf Kompass-*.tar.gz
$ cd Kompass
$ chmod +x
$ sudo ./
Kompass is easy to upgrade. It keeps itself up-to-date. Kompass frequently checks if there is a newer version available. If a newer version can be found and the user running Kompass is allowed to upgrade the application (installation location is writable or user is part of group "sudo") an update screen will pop up allowing you to upgrade to the latest release with the click of a button:
If your user is neither part of the "sudo" group nor has access to the installation folder, Kompass
shows a banner informing you of the new release. Click it to directly download the new version and run the installer. The upgrade is just as easy as the installation.
Kompass is written in C++/QT and relies heavily on the NordVPN CLI. Here is its full list of dependencies:
- QT (v5.0+)
- NordVPN CLI (v3.14.0+)
- FontAwesome (v4.7)
- [Kompass Icon](Compass icon created by Creative Stall Premium - Flaticon) by Freepik from Flaticon