A discord bot to send quotes from the classic consulting detective Sherlock Holmes written originally by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
To run the bot you need to have Node.JS and NPM installed.
Go to this link: https://nodejs.org/en/ and download the latest version of the software which in cludes NPM
Make setup.sh executable by typing in the command
chmod +x setup.sh
Then run the setup.sh file and go through the installation process with this command
First install Node.JS by using the following command
sudo apt-get install node npm
Once you got them run the these commands:
npm init -y
and then
npm install --save discord.js dotenv
these 2 will install the required dependincies
There are 2 ways to run the bot
Make start.sh an executable with this command:
chmod +x start.sh
Then execute it with
Run the main bot script with
node bot.js
In Windows we got 2 ways of running the bot
Run start.bat file
start the command prompt and locate to the bot folde with this command
Run the bot script with
node bot.js
The project is licensed under Mozilla Public License 2.0
. The license can be found in the LICENSE