Blender 2.91 (above) add-on for export directly to Unreal Engine 4 (4.26 above) with all setting in Blender (inspired by send to unreal add-on).
Allow you export static mesh, skeletal mesh, and animation with single click directly to Unreal Engine 4 or to FBX file.
and yeah, I don't really have any future plan. so if you have any suggest just open new issue.
Export for Static Mesh.
- Export to FBX and Unreal Engine
- Custom collision from vertices
- Custom collision from mesh -
- Custom lightmaps
- [ DEPRECATED - v.2.0 ] Export profile -
- Socket System -
- Level of Detail -
- Import Static Mesh From Unreal Engine -
Export for Skeletal Mesh.
- Export to FBX and Unreal Engine
- Modular character
- [ DEPRECATED - v.2.0 ] Skeleton preset (Epic skeleton)
- Move To Another Add-on : TBA
- [ DEPRECATED - v.2.0 ] Add twist bone for skeleton preset -
- Move To Another Add-on : TBA
- [ DEPRECATED - v.2.0 ] Generate rig for skeleton preset -
- Move To Another Add-on : TBA
- [ DEPRECATED - v.2.0 ] Export profile -
- Socket System -
- Copy Socket To Unreal Engine -v.2.0
- Skeletal Mesh Part Manager -
- Import Skeletal Mesh From Unreal Engine
Export for Animation.
- Export to FBX and Unreal Engine -
- [ DEPRECATED - v.2.0 ] Export profile -
- Import Animation From Unreal Engine
[ DEPRECATED - v.2.0 ] Retarget Animation to another skeleton - v.1.3
Experimental, v.1.4
Production Ready
Move To Another Add-on :
documentation page or YouTube playlist
Unreal Engine 4 allow to remote execute python script, with that we can execute python script import assets (FBX File) to Unreal Engine 4.
You can download from
Gumroad for latest version
GitHub for pervious version
master branch is unstable and bug fix version
You can watch this video or simply follow this instruction below.
Edit π‘ Preferences π‘ Add-ons π‘ Install π‘ Select π‘ Install Add-ons
Edit π‘ Plugins π‘ Type "Script" On Search Bar π‘ Enabled Python Editor Script Plugin and Editor Scripting Utilities π‘ Reset Project
Edit π‘ Project Setting π‘ Plugin π‘ Python π‘ Check Enable Remote Execution?
Then you can try to connect your project from blender
Press N on Blender for open the tab menu.
Blender 2.91 (make sure export folder path is absolute)
Unreal Engine 4.26
using Blender latest version for better compatibility.
You can support me through Gumroad
any donation will be appreciated.
For major changes or features request, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change or add.
Any changelog in documentation page
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details