Tools for downloading objects from Museum Plus service, packaging them into Submission Information Packages and uploading them into the Finnish National Digital Preservation service.
The tools in this repository are implemented as self-contained scripts,
which allows easier testing and debugging. These tools are integrated
into a workflow in the passari-workflow
repository, which allows the
preservation process to be automated for larger datasets.
The tools have been only tested with CentOS 7.
The tools are written in Python 3. To get started, install Python 3 and create a virtualenv:
sudo dnf install python3 python3-virtualenv
python3 -mvenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install .
You can install directly from GitHub:
# Install git-tagged version 1.1 (replace with newer if available)
pip install --upgrade git+
# Install development version from master
pip install --upgrade git+
You can now use the different tools (eg. download-object
Upon startup, a configuration file will be created in the default
location; in Linux this is usually ~/.config/passari/config.toml
Fill the configuration file with required options (eg. MuseumPlus
Documentation can be generated using Sphinx by running the following command:
pip install -e .[docs]
cd docs && make html