A collection of tools for interacting with the Namada blockchain.
Tool for decoding and displaying Namada governance proposals in a human-readable format. Shows proposal details including content, voting epochs, status, and WASM data hashes.
python proposal_decoder.py --proposal-id <ID>
Downloads artifacts from Namada GitHub workflow runs and verifies WASM files by calculating their SHA256 hashes. Supports downloading from specific runs or automatically fetching the latest.
python github_downloader.py --run-id <ID>
Script for collecting and packaging debug information from a running Namada node. Automatically sanitizes sensitive data, collects configs, logs, and system information into a single debug report archive.
./debug_collector.sh [validator-alias]
Create a virtual environment (recommended):
python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate # On Windows: venv\Scripts\activate
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt