For an old iPod store sign.
Runs a verrrrrrryyyyyyy simple web app on the RasPi (just type the Pi's IP into your browser). Nothing else at this point.
Intended to be run on a raspberry pi running raspbian buster with networking already setup. This might be done by running the 'sudo raspi-config' command, going to networking, then setting up your wifi.
Then do a quick "wget"
Then a "chmod +x"
Sit back, relax, its gonna be done in a bit!
I use an amplifier for power management because I'm not an electrical engineer, and just dont wanna deal with that xD. The resistor is because I had residual light still being generated even when the power level control pin was set to 0.
Very simple. But that was kind of the point, simple but functional. I did this in like 3 hours split over two days... very late at night..... lots of remote schoolwork. This was a fun break.