A wordplay game with a mechanic that has not been tried yet. Telling you would spoil it.
Release 1 submitted on 8/28/2024 to IFComp (Note: several fixes during IFComp. They are listed in fixes.txt.) Release 2 re-submitted to ifarchive and itch.io on 10/18/2024. Release 3 re-submitted to ifarchive on 10/22/2024. It had two bonus points. Release 4 re-submitted to itch.io but not ifarchive (I forgot) on 11/9/2024. It contained dialogue based on the game mechanic, between friends, as you find them Release 5 re-submitted to itch.io and ifarchive on 11/12/2024. It provided more granular responses to THINK and fixed a bug in the random dialogues. Release 6 hopes to clean up the remaining issues before year's end. They are marked in the issues bucket.
A word on the bonus point at the end: there are ways to search the source code to find it. I won't spoil them here, but there are a few intuitive ways you could find them easily. Let's just say I wouldn't release something untested.