This application is PWA TextEditor that allows users to wrtie-up some text and the data will persist upon page reload. Users can also access this application when they are offline and the data they add will also persist if/when they come back online. This application is a fun tool for users to draft out their thoughts or code they want to experiment with!
Here is the link to my deployed TextEditor PWA:
To install this application you can either follow the deployed link to the application and download it as an app on your computer through the "install" button in the top-left corner. If you want to check out the code and download it that way, just clone the repo from my GitHub and then open the repository in VS Code or a similar platform. Once in there, open the comand-line and run "npm run start" and it should build a dist/ folder and turn the srver on so that the application is running. Hope you enjoy!
The main usage of this application is to allow users to experiment with a TextEditor that is code-based in style. This application also demonstrates the important aspects of a PWA, where users can install the application on their own devices through the app itself rather than using an App Store or Android Store.
None Currently
Andrew Pieratt
If you have any questions or want to connect, please use one (or both) of the links below!
- Email:
- GitHub: