View, extract, convert, listen Baldur's Gate 3 dialogs.
Based on LSLib. Html formatting: TORcommunity.
For more detailed info and parsed dialogs check:
How to use:
- Open any *.pak file from Data folder.
- Select language (if multiple installed).
- "Create DB" will create sqlite database (bg3.db) with tags, flags, translation, etc.
Then you can do:
- Extract all dialogs (or one by one) to html.
- Convert all dialogs (or one by one) to Divinity Engine 2 format.
- Listen and export audio (requires vgmstream).
- Click "Export all dialogs to html".
- Click "Load dialogs tree" and extract only required dialog.
You can mouseover on some html elements to see additional info:
- Click "Convert".
- Click "Load dialogs tree" and extract only required dialog.
More info about Divinity Engine 2:
To see speakers names place "_merged.lsf" into:
\Divinity Original Sin 2\DefEd\Data\Public\my_project_name_with_some_scary_numbers\RootTemplates\_merged.lsf
And you can simulate conversation (and you can setup required flags for it):
- Click "Load dialogs tree".
- Double-click on the dialog file to load its lines.
- Double-click a line to play it back.
- Unpack ExportTool binaries from the latest release to ExportTool folder
- Build project "dotnet build --configuration Release" (requires .Net 8 or later)