Clone this repository to my local machine (Mac)
cd /Users/angelwang/Desktop
git clone
Execute MySQL
系統偏好設定 -> MySQL -> Start MySQL Server
/usr/local/MySQL/bin/mysql -u root -p
Create and use database group_buying
drop database if exists group_buying;
create database group_buying;
use group_buying;
Quit MySQL
Enter the project folder*
cd /Users/angelwang/Desktop/group-buying
Install packages via npm
npm install
Create config.json file in confile folder (/config/config.json)
"development": {
"username": "root",
"password": "<YOUR_MySQL_WORKBENCH_PASSWORD>", // remember to type your password
"database": "group_buying",
"host": "",
"dialect": "mysql",
"operatorsAliases": false
Create models
npx sequelize db:migrate
npx sequelize init
Activate the server*
npm start
Find the message for successful activation
> App is running on port 3000!
Visit the application on browser with the URL: http://localhost:3000
Quit the server*
UI | File |
Main | views / main.handlebars public / stylesheets / main.css |
Login & Register | views / login.handlebars views / register.handlebars public / stylesheets / user.css |
Groups | views / index.handlebars public / stylesheets / main.css public / stylesheets / index.css public / stylesheets / bootstrap.css |
New Group | views / new.handlebars public / stylesheets / new.css public / stylesheets / todo_form.css public / stylesheets / main.css public / stylesheets / bootstrap.css |
New Ad | views / ad.handlebars public / stylesheets / ad.css |
Account | views / account.handlebars public / stylesheets / account.css Front End Demo: |
Detail | views / detail.handlebars public / stylesheets / detail.css |
- Main Handlers - | public / stylesheets / bootstrap.css |
- Icons - | public / stylesheets / css / all.css Source: |
Date | Link |
2020/12/22 | |
2020/12/24 | Account: Final: |