Web app capable of quick reporting crimes for exemplary citizens.
- Every user can report a crime (as a post request or from web client)
- Reported crime can be assigned to an police officer
# Clone this repo locally
git clone https://github.com/angelikakuleta/motorola-3rd-exam.git
Run the following command in the solution directory
# build services
docker-compose build
# create and start containers
docker-compose -f .\docker-compose.yml -f .\docker-compose.override.yml up
Then, navigate to one of the services
- Crime Report Web: http://localhost:8000
- Crime API: http://localhost:8001
- Police API: http://localhost:8002
If you want to use functionality of sending email notification, run the following command in the REP_CRIME01.CrimeFeedback project directory
# enable secret storage
dotnet user-secrets init
# set secrets
dotnet user-secrets set "SMTPSettings:MailFrom" "<EMAIL_ADDRESS>"
dotnet user-secrets set "SMTPSettings:Host" "<SMTP_HOST>"
dotnet user-secrets set "SMTPSettings:Port" "<SMTP_PORT>"
dotnet user-secrets set "SMTPSettings:UserName" "<USERNAME_TO_YOUR_EMAIL_ACCOUNT>"
dotnet user-secrets set "SMTPSettings:Password" "<PASSWORD_TO_YOUR_EMAIL_ACCOUNT>"