This App built with React Native.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React Native App with Typescript. Below you'll find information about performing common tasks.
After cloning the repoitory you should:
- Install NPM Packages
npm install
- Then install CocoaPod dependencies
cd ios && pod install && cd ..
To start the app in Development Mode:
- Start the Metro Bundler by running:
npx start
- Leave the Metro Bundler running in one terminal, and in a new terminal run:
npx react-native run-ios
- NOTE, you can change what device you run it on, but currently the app is only supported on iPads. To see a full list of devices you can run
xcrun simctl list devices
- NOTE, you can change what device you run it on, but currently the app is only supported on iPads. To see a full list of devices you can run
Sometimes you may need to reset or clear the React Native packager's cache. To do so, you can pass the --reset-cache
flag to the start script:
npm start -- --reset-cache
# or
yarn start -- --reset-cache
There are two Linter scripts available to run:
npm run lint
will give you a list of all linting warnings and errorsnpm run lint:fix
will fix any linting errors that it's able to automatically fix. Warning that this WILL change files in your application
This project is set up to use jest for tests. Create test files in directories called __tests__
or with the .test
extension to have the files loaded by jest. See the the template project for an example test. The jest documentation is also a wonderful resource, as is the React Native testing tutorial.
You can run all unit tests with npm run test
Before you can share the application with other users for testing, you must sign your application. See the React Native Code Signing Instructions for more information on how to sign an application.
Once your application is signed you can create a package that can be distributed for TestFlight deployment by following the steps below:
- In Xcode be sure that you've changed your target device to "Any iOS Device"
- Choose Product -> Archive
- You should also be able to build the archive via Command Line with
npx react-native run-ios --configuration Release
, but you'll need to open Xcode for the next step regardless
- You should also be able to build the archive via Command Line with
- In the Organizer window (choose Window -> Organizer) you will see the archive that you created
- You can then choose Distribute App, follow the prompts (choose App Store Connect for distribution method), and it will upload to iTunes Connect
- In iTunes Connect you then choose your application, go to the TestFlight tab, and once Apple has approved for testing you can choose the users or user-groups to send the application to
When setting up your new Development environment, you need to setup your Environment Variables. You should create 3 files in app/environment/envConfig called dev.json
, test.json
, and prod.json
. After you create them, run npm run env:dev
to create the env.json that the application uses (or env:test or env:prod if you're connecting to a different environment).
Below is an example of the content in the dev.json file:
"baseUrl": "",
"xApiKey": "abc123",
"consoleLogs": true