- LR Introduction
- LR Cost function
- Gradient descent Code
- Cross validation
- Regularisation
- Evaluation Metrics
- Logistic Regression Introduction
- Sigmoid Function
- Logistic Regression Cost function
- Gradient descent Code
- Cross validation
- Evaluation Metrics
- Introductory code for DT
- Mathematical Intuition
- Bagging: Random Forest
- Boosting: GBDT, XGBoost, AdaBoost, CatBoost
- Stacking
- Cascading
- Mathematical Intuition
- Model Development
- Advantages and Disadvantages
- K-Means
- Hierarchial
- Apriori
- Content Based recommender System
- Collaborative filtering
- Matrix Factorization
- Evaluating RS
- Forcasting
- Handling Missing Data and Anomalies
- Time Series decomposition
- Train Test Split and Measure of Forecast accuracy
- Simple Forcast Method
- Smoothing based methods
- Stationary
- ACF and PACF
- ARIMA Family and Facebook's Prophet