Implemented MapReduce in Hadoop, The input were 6 books written in 3 different language - English, French and Spanish. Clear illustration and inferred the functionality of MapReduce as the output was received in 3 different files, each showing the average count of letter occurrence in the books. Used the D3.js tool for visualization and made 3 different charts - bar chart, pie chart, and circular parking. The 3 visualizations are constructed on the basis of the output received from MapReduce. The charts are self-evident and the meaning can be effortlessly inferred.
Input Files / Dataset:- miniproj_english.csv miniproj_french.csv miniproj_spanish.csv
Code files of D3.JS :- miniproj_barchart(spanish).html miniproj_cp(french).html miniproj_piechart(english).html
Code files for Mapreduce:-