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Boid Game Rewards Smart Contract


The Boid Rewards Distribution Contract provides:

  • Initialization of the contract for reward distribution cycles.
  • Management of game configurations, including statistics tracking.
  • Recording of player game activities and achievements.
  • Distribution of rewards to players based on performance and predefined configurations.
  • Token and distribution configuration management.

Technical Architecture

Directory Structure

  ├── actions/
  │   ├── actions.hpp           # Central include file for all actions
  │   ├── game_management.hpp   # Game state and configuration management
  │   ├── game_record.hpp       # Game record handling and filtering
  │   ├── init.hpp              # Contract initialization and table management
  │   └── reward_management.hpp # Reward distribution and calculations
  ├── tables/
  |   |-- boid_accounts.hpp     # boid contract table
  │   ├── config_tables.hpp     # Configuration table definitions
  │   ├── contract_tables.hpp   # Game and reward table definitions
  │   └── tables.hpp            # Central include file for all tables

Table Structures

1. globalconfig Table


This table serves as the global state of the contract, managing configuration settings for reward cycles.

Key Fields

  • initialized: Boolean flag indicating if the contract has been initialized
  • cycles_initiation_time: The starting point for calculating reward cycles
  • cycle_length_sec: The duration of each reward cycle in seconds (default: 7 days)
  • max_cycle_length_sec: The maximum allowed length of a reward cycle (default: 30 days)
  • max_reward_tiers: The maximum number of reward tiers allowed
  • min_reward_percentage: The minimum percentage of total rewards allocated to a single tier

Key Features

  • Calculates the current reward cycle using get_current_cycle()
  • Determines the start and end times of specific cycles using get_cycle_start() and get_cycle_end()
  • Validates if a cycle is active using is_valid_cycle()


This table is used to ensure that all reward distribution and game operations align with the defined reward cycle configuration.

2. tokenconfig Table


This table manages the configuration of tokens used for rewards.

Key Fields

  • token_contract: The contract responsible for managing the token
  • token_symbol: The symbol of the token (e.g., "TLOS")
  • enabled: A flag indicating if the token is available for distribution

Key Features

  • Tokens can be enabled or disabled for rewards via the enabled field
  • Ensures that only approved tokens are used for distribution


This table allows administrators to control which tokens are allowed for reward distribution, preventing unauthorized or unsupported tokens.

3. rewarddistconfig Table


This table defines how rewards should be distributed for specific games.

Key Fields

  • game_id: Unique identifier for the game
  • destination_contract: The contract to which rewards are sent (e.g., "boid")
  • memo_template: A template string for memos attached to transfers (e.g., "deposit boid_id={player}")
  • use_direct_transfer: Indicates whether direct token transfers are used. If false, a destination contract is invoked instead

Key Features

  • Links each game to a specific reward distribution method
  • Provides flexibility for using direct transfers or contract-mediated transfers


This table allows game administrators to configure reward distribution mechanics for each game individually.

4. players Table


This table tracks data about individual players, including their metadata and performance.

Key Fields

  • player: The unique identifier for the player (EOSIO account name)
  • metadata: Additional metadata about the player (e.g., profile details)
  • games_played: The total number of games the player has participated in

Key Features

  • Allows the contract to maintain a record of all participating players
  • Tracks how many games each player has played


This table is used for managing player-related information and querying player-specific data for actions such as reward distribution or performance tracking.

5. gamerecords Table


This table stores detailed records of games played by players, including their performance and associated statistics.

Key Fields

  • id: Unique identifier for the game record
  • player: The player who participated in the game
  • game_id: Identifier for the specific game
  • stats_names: A list of statistics tracked for the game (e.g., kills, score)
  • stats_values: Corresponding values for the statistics (e.g., 10 kills, 500 points)
  • cycle_number: The reward cycle during which the game was completed
  • rewards_distributed: Boolean indicating if rewards for this record have been distributed
  • game_completion_time: The time when the game was completed
  • last_updated: Timestamp of the last update to this record


  • by_game: Indexes records by the game ID
  • by_player: Indexes records by the player
  • by_game_cycle: Indexes records by a combination of game ID and cycle number

Key Features

  • Allows querying and filtering records by player, game, or reward cycle
  • Tracks the progress of rewards distribution for each record


This table is used to log and retrieve game-related data, ensuring accurate reward calculations and performance tracking.

6. rewardsrecorded Table


This table logs information about rewards distributed for specific games and cycles, and prevents double distribution of rewards.

Key Fields

  • id: Unique identifier for the reward record
  • game_id: Identifier for the specific game
  • cycle_number: The reward cycle during which the rewards were distributed
  • stat_name: The name of the statistic used for calculating rewards (e.g., kills, score)
  • total_reward: The total reward amount actually distributed for the game and cycle
  • rewarded_players: A list of players who received rewards
  • player_rewards: A list of reward amounts corresponding to each player
  • distribution_time: The time when the rewards were distributed


  • by_game_cycle: Indexes records by a combination of game ID and cycle number, used to prevent double distribution

Key Features

  • Tracks which players received rewards and their individual reward amounts
  • Provides a historical record of rewards distribution
  • Prevents double distribution of rewards for the same game cycle


This table is used for:

  • Preventing duplicate reward distributions
  • Auditing and verifying reward distributions
  • Providing transparency to players and administrators



Initializes the contract with global configuration and clears all tables.


  • start_time (time_point_sec): Start time for the cycles
  • cycle_length_sec (uint32_t): Length of each cycle in seconds
  • max_cycle_length_sec (uint32_t): Maximum allowed cycle length in seconds
  • max_reward_tiers (uint8_t): Maximum number of reward tiers
  • min_reward_percentage (uint8_t): Minimum percentage of rewards per tier


cleos push action gamerewards initcontract '["2025-01-01T00:00:00", 604800, 2592000, 10, 5]' -p gamerewards@active


Adds or updates a game configuration.


  • game_id (uint8_t): Unique identifier for the game
  • display_name (string): Display name for the game
  • metadata (string): Additional metadata for the game
  • stats_names (vector): List of unique stat names for the game


cleos push action gamerewards setgame '[1, "Awesome Game", "Some metadata", ["kills", "score"]]' -p gamerewards@active


Removes a game configuration by its unique ID.


  • game_id (uint8_t): Unique identifier for the game


cleos push action gamerewards removegame '[1]' -p gamerewards@active


Records game data for one or more players.


  • records (vector<game_record_data>): List of game record data structures:
    • game_id (uint8_t): ID of the game
    • player (name): Account of the player
    • stats_names (vector): Names of stats
    • stats_values (vector<uint64_t>): Corresponding stat values
    • completion_time (time_point_sec): Game completion time


cleos push action gamerewards recordgame '[[{
    "game_id": 1,
    "player": "alice",
    "stats_names": ["kills"],
    "stats_values": [10],
    "completion_time": "2025-01-01T12:00:00"
}]]' -p gamerewards@active


Removes game records based on filters.


  • record_ids (vector<uint64_t>): List of record IDs to remove


cleos push action gamerewards clearrecord '[[1, 2, 3]]' -p gamerewards@active


Configures how rewards are distributed for a game.


  • game_id (uint8_t): ID of the game
  • destination_contract (name): Contract to send rewards to
  • memo_template (string): Template for the memo field
  • use_direct_transfer (bool): Whether to use direct token transfer


cleos push action gamerewards setrewardcfg '[1, "boid", "deposit boid_id={player}", true]' -p gamerewards@active


Distributes rewards to players based on game stats for a completed cycle.


  • game_id (uint8_t): ID of the game
  • cycle_number (uint32_t): Cycle number to distribute rewards for
  • stat_name (name): Stat to use for reward calculation
  • total_reward (asset): Total amount of reward to distribute
  • token_contract (name): Contract of the reward token
  • reward_percentages (vector<uint8_t>): List of percentages for each tier (must sum to 100)


  • Ensures cycle is completed (cannot distribute for ongoing or future cycles)
  • Prevents double distribution for the same game cycle
  • Validates token configuration and contract
  • Checks reward percentages sum to 100
  • Adjusts rewards to match token precision

Distribution Process:

  1. Collects and sorts players by their performance in the specified stat
  2. Calculates individual rewards based on tier percentages
  3. Adjusts rewards to match token precision
  4. Transfers rewards either directly to players or through a destination contract
  5. Records distribution details including individual player rewards
  6. Logs any remaining undistributed rewards due to precision adjustments


cleos push action gamerewards distribute '[1, 1, "kills", "100.0000 TLOS", "eosio.token", [50, 30, 20]]' -p gamerewards@active


Configures a token for reward distribution.


  • token_contract (name): Contract that manages the token
  • token_symbol (symbol): Token symbol with precision
  • enabled (bool): Whether token is available for use


cleos push action gamerewards settoken '["eosio.token", "4,TLOS", true]' -p gamerewards@active

Building the Contract

The contract name is configurable at build time. Use the build script:

./ <contract_name>

For example:

./ scores.boid


distribute Action


The distribute action is responsible for allocating rewards to players based on their performance in a specific game and cycle. It calculates and distributes rewards to the top performers using the defined reward percentages for the game. This action ensures that rewards are distributed fairly and efficiently while updating the game records to reflect the distribution.


  1. Reward Distribution: Allocate rewards to players based on their performance in a particular game cycle.
  2. Token Management: Use configured tokens and validate their contracts for reward distribution.
  3. Leaderboard Management: Determine top players based on their scores for a specific stat and allocate rewards proportionally.
  4. Cycle Validation: Ensure that the specified cycle is valid and rewards are distributed only once per cycle.


  • game_id (uint8_t): The unique identifier for the game.
  • cycle_number (uint32_t): The cycle number for which rewards are being distributed.
  • stat_name (eosio::name): The stat used to rank players and calculate rewards.
  • total_reward (eosio::asset): The total amount of rewards to distribute.
  • token_contract (eosio::name): The smart contract managing the token used for rewards.
  • reward_percentages (std::vector<uint8_t>): A vector of reward percentages for each tier.


Step 1: Validate Inputs

  • Check if the total_reward is positive.
  • Ensure reward_percentages is not empty and sums to 100.
  • Validate the existence and active status of the specified game (game_id).
  • Validate the token configuration for total_reward.symbol and token_contract.

Step 2: Fetch Player Scores

  • Retrieve all game records for the specified game_id and cycle_number from the gamerecords_table.
  • Extract scores based on the stat_name and store them in a list of player-score pairs.

Step 3: Sort and Select Top Performers

  • Sort players by their scores in descending order.
  • Limit the number of players to the maximum allowed reward tiers defined in the global configuration.

Step 4: Distribute Rewards

  • For each top player, calculate the reward based on their tier's percentage.
  • Adjust rewards to match token precision.
  • Transfer rewards either directly to players or through a destination contract.
  • Generate a memo for the transfer using a predefined template.

Step 5: Update Game Records

  • Mark all game records for the cycle as rewards_distributed = true to prevent duplicate distributions.



Distribute 1000 TLOS tokens for "kills" in game_id = 1, cycle_number = 2. The reward percentages are [50, 30, 20] for the top 3 players.


cleos push action gamerewards distribute '[1, 1, "kills", "1000.0000 BOID", "token.boid", [50, 30, 20]]' -p gamerewards@active


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