- Create new note
- Read saved note
- Update note
- Delete note
Evernote Clone uses a number of free services and open source projects to work properly:
- ReactJS (FrontEnd)
- React Quill (Editor Library)
- Firebase (BackEnd)
- MaterialUI (React CSS Library)
Evernote Clone requires Node.js v12+ to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies.
cd evernote_clone-master
npm i
Since, the api keys have not been pushed alongwith the code and have been accessed via the dotenv package. So, create a .env file within the root folder i.e., evernote_clone-master (or whatever you may have renamed it to) and replace the variables with your firebase configurations. For exanple:
REACT_APP_FIREBASE_API_KEY = firebase api key string value
Inside root directory
npm start
Want to contribute? Great!
Tutorial By FreeCodeCamp