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RailsBridge To Do List

lilliealbert edited this page Apr 15, 2013 · 5 revisions

Coding things:

Communication things:

  • I made a Git/Hub one page pull request guide that I would love help expanding: Suggestions? Send ‘em my way (
  • Blogging. We need bloggers. Can you blog about something (or anything even tangentially) related to RailsBridge?
  • It would be fantastic to have a topic/skills roadmap for the RoR ecosystem (and the Railsbridge curricula in particular). Ping the mailing list if you’re interested in working on that!

Outreach things

  • We could use better materials for a quick intro to organizing. The cookbook is great for all the details, but a less threatening introduction would be great.
  • A form! Where people who want to have workshops in their area can communicate this fact!

Curriculum things:

  • There are JavaScript, Git, and iOS curricula in the works. Want to help with those, or write a new one? Join the workshop Google group and introduce yourself!
  • Some folks have discussed merging the Boston RailsBridge repo with the main RailsBridge repo. If you’d like to help with that, ping the Google group.
  • We need to rename our various curricula, because “Intro Rails” and “Intermediate Rails” gets really confusing when you have class levels that include the word Intermediate.
  • Add more exercises to the Ruby curriculum! [Inspiration here](Ruby Exercise Links)!

Curriculum Communications things:

  • We don't have good feedback loops for students or people who don't know how to make pull requests. We need to make a way for those people to make suggestions for the curriculum.

Other projects:

  • Bridge Troll - our fun open source event management software project is chugging along, and we could use help with coding, documentation, bug testing, and UX!
  • Bridge Foundry