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PyAnsys Quarto Cheat Sheet



PyAnsys Quarto Cheat Sheet is an extension for using Quarto, an open source scientific and technical publishing system, to render cheat sheets from plain text markdown and code.

Documentation and issues

Documentation for the latest stable release of PyAnsys Quarto Cheat Sheet is hosted at PyAnsys Quarto Cheat Sheet documentation.

The documentation has these sections:

  • Getting started: Learn how to install PyAnsys Quarto Cheat Sheet in user mode.
  • User guide: Understand how to render a PDF file of a cheat sheet and use its YAML configuration file to format it.
  • Examples: Explore examples that show how to use PyAnsys Quarto Cheat Sheet to create and render your own cheat sheets.
  • Contribute: Learn how to contribute to the PyAnsys Quarto Cheat Sheet codebase or documentation.

In the upper right corner of the documentation's title bar, there is an option for switching from viewing the documentation for the latest stable release to viewing the documentation for the development version or previously released versions.

On the PyAnsys Quarto Cheat Sheet Issues page, you can create issues to report bugs and request new features. On the Discussions page on the Ansys Developer portal, you can post questions, share ideas, and get community feedback.

If you have general questions about the PyAnsys ecosystem, email If your question is specific to PyAnsys Quarto Cheat Sheet, ask your question in an issue as described in the previous paragraph.


PyAnsys Quarto Cheat Sheet is licensed under the MIT License.

PyAnsys Quarto Cheat Sheet makes no commercial claim over Ansys whatsoever.