Releases: ansys/pytwin
Releases · ansys/pytwin
What's Changed
- [MAINT] Correction to read_binary() example by @EDCarman in #158
- [MAINT] Fix dimensionality reading for tensor field by @chrpetre in #165
- [MAINT] Drop python 3.9 by @chrpetre in #180
- [DOC] New example Twin creation with Twin Builder by @chrpetre in #185
- [DOC] Update FEM mesh vis. example to plot on deformed mesh. by @EDCarman in #197
- [DOC] Update FEA plot with deformed mesh image for doc by @EDCarman in #198
- [FEAT] Add additional TBROM function to combine points and snapshot into single x,y,z,data... array by @EDCarman in #209
- [DOC] New TBROM example dogbone by @chrpetre in #206
- [MAINT] Fixed issue with forced download of files not clearing old file. by @EDCarman in #210
- [DOC] Fix reference link, clarify DoE, add stress plot by @EDCarman in #211
- [FEAT] SDK 2025R1 by @chrpetre in #223
Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.8.0
What's Changed
- [FEAT] new APIs to post process TBROM field results (point cloud as well as mesh based visualization) through PyVista by @chrpetre in #142 and #143
- [FEAT] Expose APIs to read and write binary files for ROM training data generation by @chrpetre in #155
- [FEAT] Update SDK to 24R2 by @chrpetre in #155
- [FIX] unit tests Linux by @chrpetre in #148
- [MAINT] Update requirements_doc.txt and documentation layout by @chrpetre in #154
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
[FEAT] Feat/107 add option to read input snapshots from memory rather than disk by @EDCarman in #123
[FIX] Issue 128: unregister TwinModel.del from atexit and enhance PR116 by @chrpetre in #134
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- [MAINT] Update outdated urls by @lboucin in #115
- [FIX] Solve ordering issue with TBROM having more than 10 modes by @chrpetre in #114
- [FIX] Update in unit test files and update CI workflow by @lboucin in #119
- [FIX] Register del method of TwinModel to avoid issue atexit by @lboucin in #116
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- DOC: Add the sphinx format by @Revathyvenugopal162 in #89
- MAINT: Rename pyansys/actions as ansys/actions in workflows. by @MaxJPRey in #92
- FEAT: Enhance support for TBROM - part 1 by @chrpetre in #93
- FEAT: Enhance support for TBROM - part 2 by @lboucin in #96
- FEAT: Add field inputs and outputs to batch evaluation by @lboucin in #97
- FIX: Fix issue when tbrom settings.json file has no namedselection entry by @lboucin in #99
- DOC: Fix typos by @chrpetre in #100
- FIX: TBROM updates by @chrpetre in #101
- FIX: Typo in tox.ini by @lboucin in #105
- FIX: Issue 104 - Points snapshot generation by @EDCarman in #106
- FEAT: Enable support for multi-process pytwin import by @lboucin in #103
- FIX: Pytwin cleanup temporary directory at python process exit by @lboucin in #111
New Contributors
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- Update for logging info exposure by @chrpetre in #69
- FIX/get pytwin logger exposure by @chrpetre in #70
- FIX/doc_strings by @chrpetre in #71
- DOC: Update README.rst by @lboucin in #76
- DOC: Update documentation folder by @lboucin in #77
- DOC: Update examples documentation by @lboucin in #78
- DOC: Update documentation of settings and downloads modules by @lboucin in #80
- MAINT: Remove tests and doc dependencies from project.toml by @lboucin in #81
- DOC: Update evaluate package documentation by @lboucin in #79
- FEAT: Update Twin Runtime SDK to 23R1.SP1 by @lboucin in #83
- FIX - Update version in unit test of twin files example by @lboucin in #85
- FIX - Force download of files used in examples by @lboucin in #86
New Contributors
- @lboucin made their first contribution in #1
- @chrpetre made their first contribution in #4
- @RobPasMue made their first contribution in #18
- @MaxJPRey made their first contribution in #23
- @germa89 made their first contribution in #30
- @Revathyvenugopal162 made their first contribution in #42
- @pre-commit-ci made their first contribution in #59
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #58
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- DOC changes by @chrpetre in #51
- Add blacken-docs to pre-commit. by @MaxJPRey in #52
- Update README.rst by @chrpetre in #53
- Fix the PyPI badge. by @MaxJPRey in #54
- Supported Python versions logo by @RobPasMue in #56
- Implementing by @RobPasMue in #57
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #59
- Bump pyansys/actions from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #58
- Add coverage to pytwin by @Revathyvenugopal162 in #61
- FIX fixing logging level and option issues by @chrpetre in #60
- Doc/update by @chrpetre in #62
- Use flexible dependencies to numpy and pandas by @lboucin in #63
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #64
- Fix issue with PyCharm debugging when pytest --cov is enabled by @lboucin in #65
- Add support for python 3.7 by @lboucin in #66
- Supporting Py3.11 again by @RobPasMue in #68
New Contributors
- @lboucin made their first contribution in #1
- @chrpetre made their first contribution in #4
- @RobPasMue made their first contribution in #18
- @MaxJPRey made their first contribution in #23
- @germa89 made their first contribution in #30
- @Revathyvenugopal162 made their first contribution in #42
- @pre-commit-ci made their first contribution in #59
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #58
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- First release of pytwin package
New Contributors
- @chrpetre made their first contribution in #4
- @RobPasMue made their first contribution in #18
- @MaxJPRey made their first contribution in #23
- @germa89 made their first contribution in #30
- @Revathyvenugopal162 made their first contribution in #42
Full Changelog: