setup python venv
python3.10 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install amt-tools
# install guitar-transcription-continuous
pip install git+
# install guitar-transcription-inhibition
pip install git+
directory contains scripts with the implementation of training, inference and valuation of
the Poly Pitch Net models with the use of the GuitarSet dataset. When running the
script for the first time,
make sure that the ../generated/
directory is empty - this is the cache directory for all the validation and training sets.
If any errors related to missing dictionary keys occur, make sure that the reset_data
flag in the GuitarSet init calls is set to True.
run the training script
python3 poly_pitch_net_experiments/
run the training script with nohup
nohup python3 poly_pitch_net_experiments/ > output.txt 2>&1 &