This repo consist of a hybrid Automation framework for Web UI Apps along with utilities supporting 3 different types of Db like
- MemSQL uses Mariadb
- GreenPlum uses PostGreSQL
- Oracle uses Ojdbc
Through this framework it would be easy to access any file over SFTP.
This also includes WebDriverManager through which browsers's binary has been handled. It has a set of utilities for web UI and DBs
For below utilities follow me and mail me on
- public static void LoadConfig(String FileName) //Load property file once in your test case (before method) and use it all over your test case/workflow
- public static String getVal(String key) // get the value from the property file loaded
- public static boolean IsElementPresent(WebDriver driver, String locator, String locatorValue) //Check for any element present
- public static boolean Ispresent(WebDriver driver, WebElement ele)
- public static String GetAnyZoneCurrentDate(String Timezone, String DateFormat)
- public static boolean isNumeric(String strNum)
- public static void copyFile(String source, String destination)
- public static void DeleteFile(String source)
- public static String getCurrentDate()
- public static String getCustomisedDate(String DateFormat)
- public static String getCustomisedExistDate(String Date, String CurrDateFormat, String ReqDateFormat)
- public static List getListRunCmdOnLinux(String command, String host, String user, String password)
- public static BigDecimal truncateDecimal(double value, int numberofDecimals)
- public static void Sleep(long TimeInMiliSeconds)
- public static void run_SparkJobOnLinux(String command, String host, String user, String password)
- public static void getExcel_OnLinux(String host, String user, String password, String readFilePath,String localPath)
- public static void WaitForPageLoad(WebDriver driver, int timeOut)
- public static void waitForGivenTimeInSeconds(int wTmeInSeconds)
- public static void waitUntilElementIsVisible(WebDriver driver, long ITO, WebElement WebElement)
- public static void waitUntilelementToBeClickable(WebDriver driver, long ITO, WebElement WebElement)
- public static void waitUntilelementToBeSelected(WebDriver driver, long ITO, WebElement WebElement)
- public static void waitUntiltitleContains(WebDriver driver, long ITO, String WebElement)
- public static void waitUntiltitleIs(WebDriver driver, long ITO, String eTitle)
- public static void ScrollTo(WebDriver driver, WebElement element)
- public static void scrolldown(WebDriver driver, int ScrollBy)
- public static void scrollUp(WebDriver driver)
- public static String getTextValue(WebElement element)
- public static void putFile(String hostname, String username, String password, String copyFrom, String copyTo)
- public static void getFile(String hostname, String username, String password, String copyFrom, String copyTo)
- public static File createShellFile(String fileName)
- public List getlistfromdriver(List list)
- public static List WebEleToStringList(List WebElelist)
- public static void zoomInZoomOut(WebDriver driver, int value)
- public static void deleteFile(String path)
- public static boolean matchList(List list1, List list2)
- public static boolean isNullOrEmptyMap(Map map)
- public static boolean checkDiffMap(Map<String, ?> map1, Map<String, ?> map2) throws Exception
- public static void listALLFolders(String path)
- public static List listAllEndsWith(String EndsWithPattern, String FolderPath)
- public static boolean CompareMultiDimList(List list1, List list2)
- public static boolean isNullOrEmptyString(String str)
- public static void takeScreenShot()
- public static Connection GPconnect(String Host, String DBName, String User, String Pass)
- public static Connection MemSQLconnect(String Host, String DBName, String User, String Pass)
- public static Connection OracleConnect(String Host, String ServiceName, String User, String Pass)
- public static ResultSet executeQuery(Connection conn,String queryString)
- public static int countQuery(Connection conn,String queryString)
- public int executeNonQuery(String queryString)
- public static String getDBColumnDataInString(Connection conn, String query)
- public static String getDBColDataInString(Connection conn, String query)
- public static List getDBRowDataInList(Connection conn, String query, String ColumnNames)
- public List<?> resultSetToArrayList(ResultSet resultSet)
- public static List getListDB(Connection conn, String query, int ColCount)
- public static List getDBListOneColumn(Connection conn, String query)
- public static void teardownConnection(Connection conn)
- public boolean compareResultSets(ResultSet resultSet1, ResultSet resultSet2)
- public static Object[][] readFromCSVToArray(String FileName,int rownum, int numcolumn)
###Note: Use JDK 1.8 as some of the methods uses lambda expressions which was introduced in 1.8.