If you aren't familiar with Microsoft Rewards, MicrosoftRewards earns you points on every searches on Edge and Bing browser which can be converted into giftcards. There were few extensions which automatically complete your searches and some people uses VPN to complete tasks faster but all the tricks and bots were banned by Microsoft. But i have found that it could still be done by creating your own extension and uploading it as an unpacked extension by enabling developer mode on extension page.
This will help you auto complete searches by considering number of searches and delay between search queries. Recommended delay is 2500ms to run the extension without any restrictions.
- Download the extension folder
- Go to Manage extension
- Turn on developer mode and upload the unzip extension folder as unpacked extension on edge browser
(after adding the extension you could see the extension in extension tab)
(turn on eye button to pin the extension)
- You can now claim daily points by running the extension.
- You can switch between tabs and windows while the extension is running.
- You can see number of searches left while running and could stop the searches in between the searches.
- Run the extension
- Right click and go to inspect, select any dimension other that responsive (while the extension is running)