A tool for javascript engine proof-of-concept simplification.
Built on top of the REPRL code from Fuzzilli.
This useful little tool is a byproduct of my exploration into javascript engine fuzzing. It uses many of the same techniques that popular fuzzing tools utilise for test corpus minimization, just taken to an extreme degree.
Currently only supports V8, but I plan on adding support for both SpiderMonkey and JavascriptCore in the future.
Usage: ./trivialize.js --script <script>
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--script Target script to reduce [string] [required]
--rename-variables Attempt to rename variables [boolean]
--executable Path to d8 executable
[string] [default: "./targets/v8/build/d8"]
--output Output script to file [string]
Take this rather complicated regression for CVE-2020-16040 (re-implemented in modern V8). Note that this is the original proof-of-concept found within Chromium Issue 1150649.
/* examples/cve-2020-16040/regression.js */
function jit_func(a, b) {
var v921312 = 0xfffffffe;
let v56971 = 0;
var v4951241 = [null, (() => {}), String, "string", v56971];
let v129341 = [];
v921312 = NaN;
if (a != NaN) {
v921312 = (0xfffffffe)/2;
if (typeof(b) == "string") {
v921312 = Math.sign(v921312);
v56971 = 0xfffffffe/2 + 1 - Math.sign(v921312 -(-0x1)|6328);
if (b) {
v56971 = 0;
v129341 = new Array(Math.sign(0 - Math.sign(v56971)));
v4951241 = {};
v4951241.a = {'a': v129341};
for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
v129341[5] = 2855;
return v4951241;
/* `__NATIVE__` is used instead of `%` for parsing */
jit_func(undefined, "KCGKEMDHOKLAAALLE").toString();
jit_func(NaN, undefined).toString();
Running the tool against the above regression will result in it performing several passes of the minimizer against the internal reducer suite.
$ ./trivialize.js --script examples/cve-2020-16040/regression.js --rename-variables
Trivialize v0.0.1 (c) Anvbis
trivialize: info: starting pass 1/?, 165 nodes at start
progress [========================================] 100% | ETA: 0s | 9/9
trivialize: info: 60 nodes at end, 63.64% node reduction
trivialize: info: starting pass 2/?, 60 nodes at start
progress [========================================] 100% | ETA: 0s | 9/9
trivialize: info: 52 nodes at end, 13.33% node reduction
trivialize: info: starting pass 3/?, 52 nodes at start
progress [========================================] 100% | ETA: 0s | 9/9
trivialize: info: 52 nodes at end, 0.00% node reduction
trivialize: info: finished, total node reduction of 68.48%
The result of this is a much simpler proof-of-concept. In this example, the original regression has been reduced by almost 70%, from 165 AST nodes at the start, to only 52 at the end.
function jit_func(arg_1, arg_2) {
var var_0 = NaN;
if (arg_1) {
var_0 = 4294967294;
if (typeof arg_2) {
var_0 = Math.sign(4294967294);
v56971 = var_0 - -1 | 6328;