Releases: anvilglobaldynamics/torque
Releases · anvilglobaldynamics/torque
Version 1.0.3
- Added outlet specific line to be printed on invoice
- Branch wise sales and invoice number on homepage for multiple outlets
- Facilitated continuous scanning by having search text selected once search is done
- User is now able to enter email or phone or other values as vendor's contact information
- Outlet and warehouse phone number field now has outlet contact detail field (email + phone)
- Fixed both legacy and new selection showing on edit-product-blueprint's product categories section
- Fixed Total unit count not showing in view-product-acquisition
- Added active organization list
Version 1.0.2
- User registration, login and identification is now email only
- Disallowed reset password and other actions for banned users
- and are no longer indexed by search engines
- Showing "Email Verified" flag beside user detail in
- Updating price in ServiceBlueprint is not updating price in POS
- Collect phone number coming from landing page to find out if users are dropping off during signup
Version 1.0.1
- View only credit sales in manage-sales page
- Show Lipi logo in home page navbar
- Hide default outlet selector prompt from home page
- Show pop up to show inventory management flow if there are no products in org's product list (and other conditions)
- Reliably update app when pressing "Reload" from top right menu
- Simpler pagination message
- Improves selected product area in POS
- Autocomplete in product category search
- DAU calculcation in admin panel is missing one sales
- When switching organization the page keeps loading if logged out from a different account
- Print feature not working inside cordova app on android
Version 0.5.0
New Major Features
- Dynamic Vat calculation
- Payment method system dynamic system wide
Minor changes
- phone verification duration to 1-3 days and Demo package to 1 month
- edit organization feature
Version 0.4.5
- Browser Compatibility Test 2020 March
- DAU (Daily active users) calculation
- Sign user out on password reset confirm
- Printed version of product acquisition and product transfer record
- torque does not work on Microsoft Edge Legacy
- Live site breaking on chrome 80
- Employee phone number entry field in create employee form has wrong label
- Inventory report table is breaking
Version 0.4.3
- Paid amount is now auto selected in POS payment section
- View sales record from view customer page
- Unified confirm button and receipt popup in POS
- Sales discard button in POS
- Fixed undesired UI refresh and hangup when session is externally terminated.
- Use is now logged out on successful phone or email verification (Hotfix for removal of userAssertApikeyApi)
Version 0.4.2
- Added and updated Collection and Api to support Lipi Lite
- Updated login Page Back Button behavior
- Blocked spamming/overuse of sales, signup etc through daily limit
- Made language selector expressive
Version 0.4.1
- User privilege check for home-screen shortcuts
- Manage product transfers has vendor filter
- Product Sales Report
Version 0.4.0
Added Help Page
Reducred on-boarding steps
Added POS and Product Acquisition shortcuts on home page
Added prompts for user for essential tasks on home page
Showing Product Category creation prompt in edit-product-blueprint page
User Grouping by Source and Minor Improvements to Admin Panel
Implemented and Updated flow-based POS
Sort support for inventory report table
Fixed - Unit missing in sales record
Fixed - Same email is being allowed to be set from HomePage
Basic UI enhancements
Version 0.3.9
- Organization Specific Settings
- Maximum one active session per user
- Employee privilege code shown with privilege name during edit employee
- Simplified adding/modifying privileges development workflow
- Showing Vendor information during product transfer between inventories
- Showing money collection through different payment methods in collection report
- Mentioning applied product category filters in inventory report