LinkML Schema for ACR Harmonmized Data.
- Python 3.12 (3.13 support coming for linkml)
- LinkML 1.8.6
- Pydantic 2.10.6
- mkdocs required to generate the documentation website
Tools to install:
pip install linkml
pip install mkdocs
pip install mkdocs-mermaid2-plugin
Users can probably get away with slightly older versions but be aware that later versions of LinkML do require pydantic >= 2.x.x
It can be helpful to review the schema for compliance with linkml conventions. To run a check for all files against the default standards the following command can be run.
linkml-lint data-model
Here is the command to generate default artifacts if there is a need.
gen-project -d anvil data-model/anvil.yaml
gen-doc -d docs data-model/anvil.yaml
mkdocs build
linkml-validate -s data-model/participant.yaml test-data/participant.csv -C Participant