Apache Release DataSketches Memory 4.1.0 (Java 17)
This release addressed the following issues:
- Fixed an issue where a few tests would not compile in Windows. Also, a multi-os matrix GitHub Action has been added to check for this in the future.
- Other minor code documentation improvements and some cleanup.
- This Release of DataSketches Memory is for Java 17 and will compile and run only on Java 17.
- It uses the new jdk.incubator.foreign (Panama) instead of relying on JVM internals. Because of this you will need to add the JVM flag
at compile and run-time.
Please refer to the formal Java documentation. - This version of Memory has eliminated a great deal of extra baggage due to
the previous reliance on JVM internals. As a result, the code is much
smaller and simpler than its predecessor and may be faster. - There is an issue with the current GigHub Action workflow "javadoc".
As a result, the Javadocs for this release obtained from the
datasketches.apache.org website will not be correct.
This will be fixed as soon as possible. You can always download the javadoc.jar from
Change Summary from 4.0.0 Release
The major need for this release was that some tests would not compile in Windows.
Update pom properties. -
Remove unneeded files leftover from 3.X.
Update Notice, POM, README. -
Documentation updates.
Cleanup unnecessary try/catch blocks in internal/DruidIssue11544Test.java. -
#235, #236
Cleanup unnecessary SuppressWarnings.
Fix tests that were incompatible with Windows. -
Update main to version 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT.