KubeBlocks v0.9.0-alpha.2
934 commits
to main
since this release
What's Changed
- chore: migrate dashboard to gemini and adjust dashboard job name by @sophon-zt in #6028
- fix: tls CA cert not working by @free6om in #6031
- docs: add cn docs by @michelle-0808 in #6052
- docs: adjust format metadata by @michelle-0808 in #6058
- chore: release addons charts after kubeblocks by @JashBook in #6064
- fix: force rsync status from configuration.status (#6045) by @sophon-zt in #6048
- docs: adjust cn docs format by @shenying1023 in #6067
- docs: adjust kafka docs format by @michelle-0808 in #6070
- docs: adjust content by @shenying1023 in #6072
- chore: support component lifecycle action postProvision by @Y-Rookie in #6037
- chore: move storage provider controller to the pod of DP by @leon-inf in #6078
- fix: mongodb config deepcopy by @xuriwuyun in #6076
- chore: fix component definition vars env render by @Y-Rookie in #6077
- chore: fixed the target pod for backup and restore by @wangyelei in #6085
- chore: add comment for backup deletionPolicy by @ldming in #6034
- fix: empty parameter update cause restart (#6090) by @sophon-zt in #6091
- docs: adjust en&cn docs by @shenying1023 in #6081
- fix: disable KB_COMP_REPLICAS envvar to prevent pods from being restarted at h-scale by @leon-inf in #6096
- chore: remove KubeBlocks type roleArbitrator and replace with Lorry by @Y-Rookie in #6107
- fix: inject initContainers and containers zero resources if they are empty by @wangyelei in #6113
- fix: add selectorLabel for addon CR by @ldming in #6121
- chore: support backup target for backupMethod by @wangyelei in #6122
- fix: foxlake connect command by @jairuigou in #6080
- chore: improve Lorry performance by @xuriwuyun in #6109
- chore: update openapischema and add lables for kbcli report subcommand by @sophon-zt in #6117
- chore: remove new cluster conn-credential API by @leon-inf in #6098
- chore: fix cluster connect Database Env by @1aal in #6093
- fix: etcd connect error by @xuriwuyun in #6133
- chore: set timezone for backup schedule by @ldming in #6138
- chore(deps): bump golang.org/x/crypto from 0.14.0 to 0.17.0 by @dependabot in #6136
- feat: add switchover to lorry client by @xuriwuyun in #6139
- chore: upgrade lorry client switchover by @xuriwuyun in #6145
- fix: remove AppNameLabelKey label in reconfiguration to fix reconfigure does not take effect by @Y-Rookie in #6146
- chore: add clickhouse addon by @ldming in #6137
- fix: issues regarding the upgrade from 0.7 to 0.8 by @leon-inf in #6148
- fix: new different lorry client with different envs by @xuriwuyun in #6149
- fix: switchover before member leaving by @free6om in #6153
- chore: remove unused code of consensusSetStatus and replicationSetStatus by @Y-Rookie in #6155
- chore: update lorry new client by @xuriwuyun in #6158
- fix: invalid template in storageprovider/oss.yaml by @zjx20 in #6162
- chore: separate k3s and k8s by @JashBook in #6163
- chore(deps): bump github.com/containerd/containerd from 1.7.6 to 1.7.11 by @dependabot in #6159
- feat: add apis for rsm managing pods by @Somiacao in #5815
- fix: render pod template to pod when build pod by @Somiacao in #6174
- chore: auto approve by workflow by @JashBook in #6182
- fix: use empty priorityClassName for csi-driver-nfs when in GKE by @zjx20 in #6183
- chore: avoid using the latest image tag by @ldming in #6168
- chore: add flink e2e test by @JashBook in #6185
- chore: expand built-in envs in postProvision action by @Y-Rookie in #6170
- fix: backward compatible with TLS configuration render by @Y-Rookie in #6179
- feat: support pod-level service definition and variable reference by @Y-Rookie in #6116
- fix: role check failed after upgrade from 0.7 to 0.8 by @xuriwuyun in #6171
- fix: mongodb connect error by @xuriwuyun in #6190
- chore: remove create role from mysql super user by @shanshanying in #6191
- fix: watch the Configuration object in component controller by @leon-inf in #6192
- fix: size computation for allocation may overflow by @Y-Rookie in #6194
- fix: re-render config after tls config changed by @cjc7373 in #6189
- docs: helm-installation-docs by @TalktoCrystal in #6106
- bugfix: exec k8s config as input by @lynnleelhl in #6196
- feat: support compact mode in annotation by @free6om in #6176
- fix: backward compatible expose opsRequest with legacy services by @Y-Rookie in #6201
- fix: exec client empty panic by @lynnleelhl in #6207
- fix: cronjob schedule is overrided by @ldming in #6209
- chore: fix failed test case by @ldming in #6211
- feat: support manage host ports if the pod is in the host network by @iziang in #6208
- fix: multiple static port conflict by @iziang in #6215
- chore: improve config template render for hostNetwork by @wangyelei in #6213
- fix: watch but not owned configuration object by @leon-inf in #6202
- chore: handle update conflict by @iziang in #6218
- feat: support backup and restore for oceanbase by @wangyelei in #6217
- fix: distinguish the componentdef on different addons (#6219) by @sophon-zt in #6220
- feat: lorry support ob by @xuriwuyun in #6216
- fix: replace scrapePort if pod is in host network by @iziang in #6223
- fix: auto creating component obj when upgrade to KubeBlocks v0.8.0 by @Y-Rookie in #6221
- fix: watch but not own existed workload objects by @leon-inf in #6222
- fix: revert "distinguish the componentdef on different addons #6219" by @Y-Rookie in #6231
- chore: fix backup failed for oceanbase by @wangyelei in #6230
- feat: config-manager support host network (#6235) by @sophon-zt in #6237
- feat: lorry support host network by @xuriwuyun in #6226
- chore: incorrect conversion between integer types by @wangyelei in #6240
- chore: split kubeblocks and kbcli release workflow by @JashBook in #6229
- chore: support restore backoffLimit by @wangyelei in #6242
- chore: backward compatible with AppNameLabelKey label in KubeBlocks v0.8.0 by @Y-Rookie in #6243
- chore: change golang image to 1.21-alpine by @JashBook in #6241
- chore: fix oceanbase switchover by @xuriwuyun in #6246
- chore: adjust release crds by @JashBook in #6249
- chore: fix oceanbase lorry port adaptor by @xuriwuyun in #6248
- chore: update apecloud-mysql version by @kubeJocker in #6260
- chore: update OB addon version by @shanshanying in #6268
- chore: support ob dynamic port by ENV by @1aal in #6262
- chore: restore ops failed for pitr by @wangyelei in #6274
- chore: support oceanbase running without primary by @xuriwuyun in #6275
- chore: add lorry http port env to container by @xuriwuyun in #6252
- fix: pgsql creates backup failed when using componentDefinition by @wangyelei in #6288
- chore: reduce the chance of test failures by @xuriwuyun in #6291
- chore: fix the generation annotation of RSM was updated unexpectedly by @leon-inf in #6293
- chore: opengauss command register by @1aal in #6295
- fix: delete StatefulSetWorkload in SynthesizedComponent by @kizuna-lek in #6298
- chore: support oracle connect by @1aal in #6296
- chore: fix update tools image test random fail by @leon-inf in #6299
- chore: set cd/cv controller concurrency as default by @leon-inf in #6302
- chore: refine the resources watched by cluster controller by @leon-inf in #6261
- chore: add version label for application addon CRs by @ldming in #6303
- chore: upgrade envtest to 1.26.1 to fix the k8s API validation error by @leon-inf in #6306
- chore: reduce csi-s3 memory usage by @zjx20 in #6314
- feat: support rerender for configuration-related updated (#6273) by @sophon-zt in #6276
- chore: update datasafed to 0.0.6 by @zjx20 in #6309
- fix: the status of cluster is Abnormal at creating by @leon-inf in #6315
- chore: limit the nvidia-gpu-exporter only available on the EKS by @iziang in #6313
- chore: use rsm env configmap to inject env, avoiding to update pod spec by @xuriwuyun in #6311
- chore: refactor cluster and component service api by @Y-Rookie in #6287
- fix: keep lorry spec unchanged when upgrading from 0.7 to 0.8 by @xuriwuyun in #6318
- chore: replace roclient with reader by @leon-inf in #6263
- chore: remove useless fields and labels by @leon-inf in #6301
- chore: remove deprecated cluster status by @leon-inf in #6316
- fix: kb crash when inject probe by @xuriwuyun in #6324
- feat: support oceanbase failover by @xuriwuyun in #6264
- chore: improve the readability of probe's README.md by @earayu in #5068
- chore: rsm use exec role probe by default by @xuriwuyun in #6327
- fix: keep env vars order to be compatible with existed cluster by @leon-inf in #6323
- chore: improve rsm role probe compatibility for upgrading by @xuriwuyun in #6330
- chore: support podSelection Strategy "All" by @wangyelei in #6317
- chore: refactor expose operation request api by @Y-Rookie in #6325
- docs: update slack link by @michelle-0808 in #6334
- fix: be compatible about service account name and config-manager sidecar env by @leon-inf in #6332
- fix: remove the host ports configmap when uninstall the kubeblocks by @iziang in #6333
- chore: update addon version and reduce built-in addons by @ldming in #6329
- chore: improve opsDefinition to support switchover by lorry by @wangyelei in #6337
- fix: label selector for pod affinity and topology spread constraint by @leon-inf in #6339
- fix: set default update strategy for RSM by @leon-inf in #6336
- chore: fix rsm updateStrategy is empty after an upgrade by @Y-Rookie in #6335
- fix: pass the existed component service to RSM by @leon-inf in #6341
- chore: update switchover param by @wangyelei in #6347
- fix: backup can not find service account name by @wangyelei in #6349
- chore: Revert "fix: set default update strategy for RSM" by @leon-inf in #6353
- chore: auto upgrade addons version by @JashBook in #6352
- chore: keep lorry spec unchanged if other parts of spec are not modified by @xuriwuyun in #6351
- fix: sts annotations were lost when merging by @leon-inf in #6354
- chore: helper functions to support running with multiple k8s clusters by @leon-inf in #6265
- chore: delete needs release kbcli by @JashBook in #6356
- chore: pass credential vars through valueFrom by @leon-inf in #6102
- chore: keep rsm role probe spec unchange when cluster has no modifications by @xuriwuyun in #6355
- docs: add developer docs by @shenying1023 in #6204
- fix: keep compatible for update strategy, SA name and access mode by @leon-inf in #6362
- chore: add cluster validation of componentDefRef and componentDef by @Y-Rookie in #6350
- fix: serial update strategy for replication workloads by @leon-inf in #6365
- chore: postProvision action support inject envFrom vars by @Y-Rookie in #6370
- chore: support delete action for backup by @wangyelei in #6361
- fix: parallel expose failed by @iziang in #6376
- fix: xtrabackup failed by @wangyelei in #6380
- fix: component account provision skip initAccount by @Y-Rookie in #6382
- chore: fix upload jihu chart rate limit by @JashBook in #6385
- fix: set update strategy for RSM workloads by @leon-inf in #6388
- chore: change base image of kubeblocks-csi-driver addon to alpine by @JingchengLi in #6373
- feat: integrate with Kopia for database backup by @zjx20 in #6389
- feat: rsm custom handler command support args params by @JackyTYang in #6387
- docs: fix link by @shenying1023 in #6368
- docs: fix link by @shenying1023 in #6396
- chore: sync annotations of the backupSchedule failed by @wangyelei in #6398
- fix: parallel expose failed by @iziang in #6404
- docs: adjust blankspace by @shenying1023 in #6402
- docs: adjust cn dev docs by @shenying1023 in #6407
- chore: remove hacky compDefName in synthesizedComp by @Y-Rookie in #6408
- chore: don't pass default credential if not needed by @leon-inf in #6405
- chore: refine default vars provided by KB by @leon-inf in #6409
- fix: restore pg failed with componentDefinition api by @wangyelei in #6411
- fix: create job failed with no this sa for custom ops by @wangyelei in #6415
- chore: keep env vars compatible only with existing clusters by @leon-inf in #6410
- chore: update built-in addons version by @ldming in #6417
- fix: delete statefulset when deleting clusters by @leon-inf in #6414
- chore: set ck addon autoInstall to true by @ldming in #6418
- chore: compatible 0.7 api for actionSet by @wangyelei in #6420
- chore: keep the FQDN env var format for existing clusters by @leon-inf in #6421
- fix: switchover failed by @wangyelei in #6423
- feat: support autoTrigger by @earayu in #6416
- fix: mysql switchover failed by @wangyelei in #6424
- chore: fix switchover failed if no candidate specified by @wangyelei in #6429
- chore: do not disable enabled addons when upgrade by @ldming in #6432
- chore: fix enable archive to create many ops by @wangyelei in #6442
- chore: fix expose ops consensus leader name by @Y-Rookie in #6443
- chore: add release note for v0.8.0 by @wangyelei in #6445
- fix: zap flags not be added by @drivebyer in #6448
- docs: Update v0.8.0.md by @nashtsai in #6447
- chore: refine simplified cluster API by @leon-inf in #6425
- chore: limit the use of two kinds definition API simultaneously by @leon-inf in #6426
- chore: remove PDB as it's not used since 0.7 by @leon-inf in #6427
- chore: support array field update (#5852) by @sophon-zt in #5853
- chore: fix goconst lint error for golangci-lint version >= 1.54.2 by @earayu in #6444
- chore: refactor developing docs by @earayu in #6441
- chore: upgrade golangci lint version by @JashBook in #6456
- chore: change workflow user to apecloud inc by @JashBook in #6458
- fix: mongdb hscale down by @xuriwuyun in #6461
- chore: auto get addons dir list for release charts by @JashBook in #6459
- fix: set default update strategy for RSM by @leon-inf in #6464
- feat: support time zone for restore time by @wangyelei in #6468
- chore: refine component API and cleanup unused fields by @leon-inf in #6467
- fix: mysql replication initialization and failover by @xuriwuyun in #6476
- fix: invalid job name by @wangyelei in #6481
- chore: add DP_TARGET_POD_ROLE env for backup by @wangyelei in #6485
- docs: fix intro docs by @shenying1023 in #6491
- fix: mongodb leave member context deadline exceeded by @xuriwuyun in #6498
- chore: hscale uses available backup method if volume snapshot is unsupported by @wangyelei in #6499
- chore: fix lorry log by @xuriwuyun in #6501
- fix: --zap-log-level not take effect by @drivebyer in #6465
- chore: update postgresql addon version to 0.8.0 by @ldming in #6510
- chore: auto upgrade kubeblocks addons version by @apecloud-bot in #6454
- chore: skip check zh-cn dir by @JashBook in #6515
- docs: update 0.8 docs by @shenying1023 in #6496
- fix: allow comment symbols (# and ;) inside value for ini format by @sophon-zt in #6514
- chore: custom host port range (#6508) by @iziang in #6509
- chore: refine lorry dns check by @xuriwuyun in #6521
- feat: support minReadySeconds api in componentDef by @kissycn in #6519
- chore: add reset master by @xuriwuyun in #6524
- feat: support log collector to collect the pod logs when backup and restore are failed by @wangyelei in #6523
- chore: improve the owned check for data protection job by @wangyelei in #6525
- docs: update backup and restore docs by @michelle-0808 in #6527
- chore: check availableReplicas of sts only if minReadySeconds is set by @leon-inf in #6533
- fix: restore from backup failed after expose the service by @wangyelei in #6536
- chore: refine ReconfigureReconciler code by @sophon-zt in #6452
- chore: test e2e on k3s 1.21 by @JashBook in #6542
- docs: add backup and restore workflow by @michelle-0808 in #6547
- chore: mark ComponentClassDefinition and ComponentResourceConstraint as deprecated by @iziang in #6554
- feat: publish not ready addresses for default headless service by @iziang in #6545
- fix/KB_CLUSTER_UID env error by @caiq1nyu in #6555
- docs: update 0.8 docs by @michelle-0808 in #6558
- feat: support sharding topology by @Y-Rookie in #6437
- chore: refine mysql semisync by @xuriwuyun in #6548
- chore:refine lorry util by @xuriwuyun in #6561
- chore: update redis query result parser by @shanshanying in #6564
- fix: mysql role probe with two primaries by @xuriwuyun in #6567
- chore: can not update backupPolicy manually by @wangyelei in #6570
- fix: support strong random passwd with mixed cases by @shanshanying in #6569
- improve: provide more annotation control capabilities to control Comp… by @caiq1nyu in #6571
- chore: remove cluster component backward compatible code by @Y-Rookie in #6575
- chore: do not inject lorry if unnecessary by @xuriwuyun in #6583
- feat: lorry support apecloud pg by @kizuna-lek in #6577
- fix: the backupPolicy can not add custom backupMethod by @wangyelei in #6585
- chore: Split operator and addon for Separate Caching by @JashBook in #6580
- fix: fix datasafed config for GCS by @zjx20 in #6587
- chore: update ob addon name by @shanshanying in #6586
- fix: do not set CRON_TZ for cronJob schedule if kubernetes version less than 1.22 by @ldming in #6590
- chore: update copyright for 2024 by @ldming in #6591
- chore: component definition system account support seed by @Y-Rookie in #6568
- feat: manage dedicated ServiceAccount for dataprotection worker pods by @zjx20 in #6494
- chore: support to set image pull secrets for addon chart image by @ldming in #6598
- fix: add tolerations to backuprepo precheck pods by @zjx20 in #6597
- docs: update supported engine features by @michelle-0808 in #6601
- fix: use restore.Spec.ServiceAccountName if not empty by @zjx20 in #6605
- chore: refine controller.configuration, clean code redundancy and tidy up by @sophon-zt in #6610
- chore: support kubeblocks operator metrics and gc runtime metrics (#6611) by @sophon-zt in #6612
- chore: add mysql/pg replication lag alert rule (#6540) by @sophon-zt in #6541
- feat(addon): Add version validation for Addon spec by @Shuimo03 in #6603
- chore: auto upgrade kubeblocks addons version by @apecloud-bot in #6592
- chore: improve installation document by @ldming in #6616
- chore: update api-reference doc by @ldming in #6618
- chore: tidy up API docs by @heng4fun in #6625
- chore: change e2e test type by @JashBook in #6628
- chore: tidy up API docs by @heng4fun in #6632
- chore: component post provision action support sharding topology by @Y-Rookie in #6579
- fix: remove duplicated ports on exposing by @wusai80 in #6631
- chore: disable previous backup schedule if cluster backup method changed by @ldming in #6626
- chore: refine backup policy template with GPT prompt by @nayutah in #6623
- chore: refine opsRequest/opsDefinition/BackupPolicyTemplate api doc by @wangyelei in #6644
- chore: refine API doc for BackupRepo and StorageProvider by @zjx20 in #6647
- chore: refine add-on api doc by @ldming in #6649
- chore: improve reload error log by @sophon-zt in #6636
- fix: dynamic parameters and static parameters are modified together for partoni postgresql, and the dynamic parameters do not take effect (#5450) by @sophon-zt in #6648
- chore: output more information when hscale failed by @wangyelei in #6660
- chore: test kubeblocks on k8s 1.20 by @JashBook in #6662
- chore: fix ci options parse error by @JashBook in #6663
- chore: ignore policy/v1 discovery error at cluster deletion by @leon-inf in #6637
New Contributors
- @cjc7373 made their first contribution in #6189
- @JackyTYang made their first contribution in #6387
- @drivebyer made their first contribution in #6448
- @Shuimo03 made their first contribution in #6603
Full Changelog: v0.8.2...v0.9.0-alpha.2