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fix(deps): update all dependencies #46

fix(deps): update all dependencies

fix(deps): update all dependencies #46

Workflow file for this run

name: CI
branches: ['*']
branches: ['*']
contents: read # to fetch code (actions/checkout)
# Split this out into its own runner because it's slow
name: esbuild CI (All Platforms)
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Set up Go 1.x
uses: actions/setup-go@v5
go-version: 1.23.1
id: go
- name: Setup Node.js environment
uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: 21
- name: Check out code into the Go module directory
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Ensure all platforms can be built
run: make platform-all
# Plan 9 is not a supported platform, but someone wanted esbuild to be able to build for it anyway...
- name: Ensure esbuild can be built for Plan 9
run: |
GOOS=plan9 GOARCH=386 go build ./cmd/esbuild
GOOS=plan9 GOARCH=amd64 go build ./cmd/esbuild
GOOS=plan9 GOARCH=arm go build ./cmd/esbuild
# Split these out into their own runner because they're very slow
name: esbuild CI (Slow Tests)
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Set up Go 1.x
uses: actions/setup-go@v5
go-version: 1.23.1
id: go
- name: Setup Node.js environment
uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: 21
- name: Check out code into the Go module directory
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Note: These tests break with node version 18. Something about WebAssembly.
- name: Rollup Tests
run: make test-rollup
- name: Uglify Tests
run: CI=1 make uglify
- name: Type check tsc using tsc
run: make test-tsc
name: esbuild CI
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest]
- name: Set up Go 1.x
uses: actions/setup-go@v5
go-version: 1.23.1
id: go
- name: Setup Node.js environment
uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: 21
- name: Setup Deno 1.40.2
uses: denoland/setup-deno@main
deno-version: v1.40.2
- name: Check out code into the Go module directory
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: go test
run: go test -race ./internal/...
- name: go vet
run: go vet ./cmd/... ./internal/... ./pkg/...
- name: Deno Tests (non-Windows)
if: matrix.os != 'windows-latest'
run: make test-deno
- name: Deno Tests (Windows)
if: matrix.os == 'windows-latest'
run: make test-deno-windows
- name: Test for path/filepath
if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
run: make no-filepath
- name: go fmt
if: matrix.os == 'macos-latest'
run: make fmt-go
- name: npm ci
run: cd scripts && npm ci
- name: Register Test (ESBUILD_WORKER_THREADS=0, non-Windows)
if: matrix.os != 'windows-latest'
run: ESBUILD_WORKER_THREADS=0 node scripts/register-test.js
- name: Register Test
run: node scripts/register-test.js
- name: Verify Source Map
run: node scripts/verify-source-map.js
- name: E2E Tests
run: node scripts/end-to-end-tests.js
- name: JS API Tests (ESBUILD_WORKER_THREADS=0, non-Windows)
if: matrix.os != 'windows-latest'
run: ESBUILD_WORKER_THREADS=0 node scripts/js-api-tests.js
- name: JS API Tests
run: node scripts/js-api-tests.js
- name: NodeJS Unref Tests
run: node scripts/node-unref-tests.js
- name: Plugin Tests
run: node scripts/plugin-tests.js
- name: TypeScript Type Definition Tests
if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
run: node scripts/ts-type-tests.js
- name: JS API Type Check
if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
run: make lib-typecheck
- name: Decorator Tests
if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
run: make decorator-tests
- name: WebAssembly API Tests (browser)
if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
run: make test-wasm-browser
- name: WebAssembly API Tests (node, Linux)
if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
run: make test-wasm-node
- name: WebAssembly API Tests (node, non-Linux)
if: matrix.os != 'ubuntu-latest'
run: node scripts/wasm-tests.js
- name: Sucrase Tests
if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
run: make test-sucrase
- name: Esprima Tests
if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
run: make test-esprima
- name: Preact Splitting Tests
if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
run: make test-preact-splitting
- name: Check the unicode table generator
if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
run: cd scripts && node gen-unicode-table.js
- name: Yarn PnP tests
run: |
# Note that Yarn recently deliberately broke "npm install -g yarn".
# They say you now have to run "corepack enable" to fix it. They have
# written about this here:
corepack enable
make test-yarnpnp
name: esbuild CI (old Go version)
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Set up Go 1.21 (the minimum required Go version for esbuild)
uses: actions/setup-go@v5
go-version: 1.21
id: go
- name: Check out code into the Go module directory
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: go build
run: go build ./cmd/esbuild
- name: go test
run: go test ./internal/...
- name: make test-old-ts
run: make test-old-ts