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Protobuf RPC for TypeScript and Go with bidirectional streaming.


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Stream RPC (starpc)

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A high-performance Protobuf 3 RPC framework supporting bidirectional streaming over any multiplexer.

Table of Contents


  • Full Proto3 services implementation for both TypeScript and Go
  • Bidirectional streaming support in web browsers
  • Built on libp2p streams with @chainsafe/libp2p-yamux
  • Efficient RPC multiplexing over single connections
  • Zero-reflection Go code via protobuf-go-lite
  • TypeScript interfaces via protobuf-es-lite
  • Sub-streams support through rpcstream


# Clone the template project
git clone -b starpc
cd protobuf-project

# Install dependencies
yarn install

# Generate TypeScript and Go code
yarn gen

Quick Start

  1. Start with the protobuf-project template repository (starpc branch)
  2. Add your .proto files to the project
  3. Run yarn gen to generate TypeScript and Go code
  4. Implement your services using the examples below


The following examples use the echo protobuf sample.

syntax = "proto3";
package echo;

// Echoer service returns the given message.
service Echoer {
  // Echo returns the given message.
  rpc Echo(EchoMsg) returns (EchoMsg);
  // EchoServerStream is an example of a server -> client one-way stream.
  rpc EchoServerStream(EchoMsg) returns (stream EchoMsg);
  // EchoClientStream is an example of client->server one-way stream.
  rpc EchoClientStream(stream EchoMsg) returns (EchoMsg);
  // EchoBidiStream is an example of a two-way stream.
  rpc EchoBidiStream(stream EchoMsg) returns (stream EchoMsg);

// EchoMsg is the message body for Echo.
message EchoMsg {
  string body = 1;


This example demonstrates both the server and client:

// construct the server
echoServer := &echo.EchoServer{}
mux := srpc.NewMux()
if err := echo.SRPCRegisterEchoer(mux, echoServer); err != nil {
server := srpc.NewServer(mux)

// create an in-memory connection to the server
openStream := srpc.NewServerPipe(server)

// construct the client
client := srpc.NewClient(openStream)

// construct the client rpc interface
clientEcho := echo.NewSRPCEchoerClient(client)
ctx := context.Background()
bodyTxt := "hello world"
out, err := clientEcho.Echo(ctx, &echo.EchoMsg{
	Body: bodyTxt,
if err != nil {
if out.GetBody() != bodyTxt {
	t.Fatalf("expected %q got %q", bodyTxt, out.GetBody())


See the ts-proto README to generate the TypeScript for your protobufs.

For an example of Go <-> TypeScript interop, see the integration test. For an example of TypeScript <-> TypeScript interop, see the e2e test.

Supports any AsyncIterable communication channel.

WebSocket Example

This examples demonstrates connecting to a WebSocket server:

import { WebSocketConn } from 'srpc'
import { EchoerClient } from 'srpc/echo'

const ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:1347/demo')
const channel = new WebSocketConn(ws)
const client = channel.buildClient()
const demoServiceClient = new EchoerClient(client)

const result = await demoServiceClient.Echo({
  body: "Hello world!"
console.log('output', result.body)

In-memory Demo with TypeScript Server and Client

This example demonstrates both the server and client with an in-memory pipe:

import { pipe } from 'it-pipe'
import { createHandler, createMux, Server, Client, Conn } from 'srpc'
import { EchoerDefinition, EchoerServer, runClientTest } from 'srpc/echo'
import { pushable } from 'it-pushable'

// Create the server and register the handlers.
const mux = createMux()
const echoer = new EchoerServer()
mux.register(createHandler(EchoerDefinition, echoer))
const server = new Server(mux.lookupMethod)

// Create the client connection to the server with an in-memory pipe.
const clientConn = new Conn()
const serverConn = new Conn(server)
pipe(clientConn, serverConn, clientConn)
const client = new Client(clientConn.buildOpenStreamFunc())

// Examples of different types of RPC calls:

// One-shot request/response (unary):
console.log('Calling Echo: unary call...')
let result = await demoServiceClient.Echo({
  body: 'Hello world!',
console.log('success: output', result.body)

// Streaming from client->server with a single server response:
const clientRequestStream = pushable<EchoMsg>({objectMode: true})
clientRequestStream.push({body: 'Hello world from streaming request.'})
console.log('Calling EchoClientStream: client -> server...')
result = await demoServiceClient.EchoClientStream(clientRequestStream)
console.log('success: output', result.body)

// Streaming from server -> client with a single client message.
console.log('Calling EchoServerStream: server -> client...')
const serverStream = demoServiceClient.EchoServerStream({
  body: 'Hello world from server to client streaming request.',
for await (const msg of serverStream) {
  console.log('server: output', msg.body)


protoc-gen-go-starpc is a heavily modified version of protoc-gen-go-drpc.

Be sure to check out drpc as well: it's compatible with grpc, twirp, and more.

Uses vtprotobuf to generate Go Protobuf marshal / unmarshal code.

Uses protobuf-es-lite (fork of protobuf-es) to generate TypeScript Protobuf marshal / unmarshal code.

protoc-gen-es-starpc is a heavily modified version of protoc-gen-connect-es.

Development Setup

MacOS Requirements

  1. Install required packages:
brew install bash make coreutils gnu-sed findutils protobuf
brew link --overwrite protobuf
  1. Add to your .bashrc or .zshrc:
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/findutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/make/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"


  • protoc-gen-go-starpc: Modified version of protoc-gen-go-drpc
  • protoc-gen-es-starpc: Modified version of protoc-gen-connect-es
  • Uses vtprotobuf for Go Protobuf marshaling
  • Uses protobuf-es-lite for TypeScript Protobuf interfaces


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Protobuf RPC for TypeScript and Go with bidirectional streaming.







Contributors 4
