is a member of the APLTree library. The library is a collection of classes etc. that aim to support the Dyalog APL programmer. For details see https://github.com/aplteam/apltree/wiki
Search GitHub for "apltree" and you will find solutions to many every-day problems Dyalog APL programmers might have to solve.
is designed to write log files as ANSI (default) or UTF-8 files.
You can create an instance without specifying any parameters at all but you might specify up to 6 parameters. Some but not all of these parameters can be changed later on as well.
By default an instance of the class creates a log file with the name "yyyymmdd.log". When a new day puts in an appearance this file is closed and a new one is opened automatically.
Instead of accepting the defaults you can also let the class create "yyyymm.log" files or even "yyyy.log".
The main method, Log
, does not do any kind of fancy formatting. It just accepts vectors of any kind as well as text matrices; performance is considered to be paramount. However, the method LogError
is different and does some formatting.
By default the class makes intense use of error trapping in order to make sure that neither Log
nor LogError
will ever affect the hosting application.
By default "ANSI" is used as encoding option when opening/creating a log file. The reason is that this might save some space but more importantly many tools for processing Log files are still not capable of dealing with UTF8 files.
"ASCII" was an option in earlier version of Logger
, when the Classic version of Dyalog was still supported. However, now it is deprecated. You may still specify it, but it will be converted to "ANSI" internally anyway.
For "UTF8" you may also specify "UTF-8" but it is converted into "UTF8".
{r}←Log msg
Writes msg
to the Log File. msg
can be one of:
- A character scalar (though this does not make too much sense)
- A character vector
- A character matrix
- A vector of character vectors
gets the message written to the log file together with the time stamp and thread number.
For best performance this function does not do any formatting. If you need a special formatting consider writing a cover function for Log
or your own class deriving from Logger
This method is useful to log an error. It is a cover function of Log
You can specify 2-3 parameters:
- The return code as a single integer. 0 means that
should not do anything at all. - The message (msg). This can be any array containing text or numeric data as long as the depth and rank are both lower than 3.
- More information (more); this is optional. This can be any kind of array.
In case rc ←→ 0
, LogError
is doing nothing at all. Otherwise it writes msg
into the log file and marks it up as an error.
If rc ←→ 0
then r
is empty, otherwise it returns the message written to the log file.
MyLoggerInstance.LogError 1 'The error message' ⎕DM
MyLoggerInstance.LogError rc 'FATAL ERROR' ('hello word' (1 2 3))
While the Log
method is fairly restrictive in order to avoid any performance penalties, the method LogError
offers more freedom because this is hardly causing any harm: you won't have thousands of errors per second, and even if you have them, performance is the least of your worries then.
By default a file "{yyyymmdd}.log" is created within "path" or opened if it already exists. When a new day comes along that file is closed and a new one is created.
This default behaviour can be switched off by setting autoReOpen
to 0.
By default all possible errors - accept invalid calls - are trapped withing the Log
and LogError
methods: a logging mechanism cannot be allowed to break an application which it should support.
One exception: when creating an instance of Logger
fails that causes a crash, but that means it was called with invalid parameters.
However, by setting debug
and/or printToSession
and/or timestamp
the Logger
class can be debugged.
Since version 6.0.0 Logger
is expected to be consumed as a Tatin package, so you don't need to worry about dependencies.
This code:
myLogger←⎕NEW #.Logger
⍝ Exercise the "Log" method"
myLogger.Log'this is my first entry!'
myLogger.Log'Even' 'more' 'entries'
myLogger.Log↑'A' 'text' 'matrix'
myLogger.Log 1 2 3
myLogger.Log('String')(⍳6)('Another string')
myLogger.Log(1 2)(2 3⍴⍳6) ⍝ causes an error (trapped!)
{myLogger.Log'Log entry written in a thread'}&⍬
⍝ Exercise the "LogError" method
msg←'An error has occured'
myLogger.LogError rc msg ⍝ This has no effect: rc is 0
myLogger.LogError rc msg
more←'A fatal error has occured'(20 1009)((1 2)'FATAL'(2 3⍴⍳6))
myLogger.LogError rc msg more ⍝ "more" can be any array
results in this log file:
2011-05-29 07:29:36 *** Log File opened
2011-05-29 07:29:36 this is my first entry!
2011-05-29 07:29:36 Even
2011-05-29 07:29:36 more
2011-05-29 07:29:36 entries
2011-05-29 07:29:36 A
2011-05-29 07:29:36 text
2011-05-29 07:29:36 matrix
2011-05-29 07:29:36 1 2 3
2011-05-29 07:29:36 String
2011-05-29 07:29:36 1 2 3 4 5 6
2011-05-29 07:29:36 Another string
2011-05-29 07:29:36 (2) Log entry written in a thread
2011-05-29 07:29:36 *** ERROR RC=2; An error has occured
2011-05-29 07:29:36 *** ERROR RC=2; An error has occured
2011-05-29 07:29:36 A fatal error has occured
2011-05-29 07:29:36 20 1009
2011-05-29 07:29:36 1 2 FATAL 1 2 3
2011-05-29 07:29:36 4 5 6
Note that for the log entry written from its own thread, the thread number reported in the log file is non-zero.
]ADOC.List Logger -summary
*** Logger (Class) ***
make2(path_ encoding_)
make3(path_ encoding_ filenameType_)
make4(path_ encoding_ filenameType_ debug_)
make5(path_ encoding_ filenameType_ debug_ timestamp_)
make6(path_ encoding_ filenameType_ debug_ timestamp_ refToUtils_)
Instance Properties:
encoding (ReadOnly)
errorCounter (ReadOnly)
filenameDescriptor (ReadOnly)
filename (ReadOnly)
path (ReadOnly)
Instance Methods:
r ← FullFilename
{r} ← LogError y
{r} ← Log Msg
Shared Methods:
r ← Copyright
r ← CreateParms
r ← History
r ← Version