A mini-game made in Unity 2019.3.13.f1 using the following free Unity assets:
- CoffeeShop Starter Pack by Puzzled Wizard
- Simple Button Set 01 by That Witch Design
- Ultra 4K Brick & Wood Texture Pack [FREE] by ZeroPunchProductions
- Simple UI & icons by madder
- FREE Casual Game SFX Pack by DUSTYROOM
- Free Music Tracks For Games by Rizwan Ashraf
Download all the files and run "PolyOven Bakery.exe" to play.
What more do you need in a bakery when you have an Oven that can bake cakes, cookies, and even ice-cream?? Use it to its full extent and earn minimal wages for the day in the given time.
- Go to the front of the oven to use it.
- Select the item of your choice to bake. You can enhance its sweetness by 1 level.
- Once the item is prepared, it automatically moves to the serving counter.
- Interact with the serving counter and earn your coins.
A big shoutout to the Video Game Development Club at ASU (Heatwave Studios). It was a part of their training through which I decided to make a mini-game.