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Andrey Prokopenko edited this page Oct 28, 2024 · 7 revisions

ArborX / Spatial indexes / ArborX::BVH

ArborX::BVH<MemorySpace, Value, IndexableGetter, BoundingVolume>::query()

template <typename ExecutionSpace, typename Predicates, typename Callback>
void query(ExecutionSpace const& space,
           Predicates const& predicates,
           Callback const& callback) const; // (1)

template <typename ExecutionSpace, typename Predicates, typename Indices,
          typename Offsets>
void query(ExecutionSpace const& space,
           Predicates const& predicates,
           Indices& indices,
           Offsets& offsets) const; // (2)

template <typename ExecutionSpace, typename Predicates, typename Callback,
          typename Values, typename Offsets>
void query(ExecutionSpace const& space,
           Predicates const& predicates,
           Callback const& callback,
           Values& values,
           Offsets& offsets) const; // (3)
  1. Executes callbacks on all found results

For spatial predicates, the call finds all primitives meeting the passed predicates, invoking the callback when a primitive meets a predicate. Conceptually equivalent to

for (auto predicate : predicates)
  for (auto primitive : primitives)
    if (predicate(primitive))
      callback(predicate, primitive);

For nearest predicates, the call finds the specified number of the nearest primitives for each predicate, and invokes callback on those results. Conceptually equivalent to

for (auto predicate : predicates)
  for (auto primitive : k_nearest_primitives_of_predicate)
    callback(predicate, primitive);
  1. Finds all primitives meeting the predicates and record results in {values, offsets}. values stores the values of the objects stored in the tree that satisfy the predicates. offsets stores the locations in the values view that start a predicate, that is, predicates(i) is satisfied by primitives(indexable_getter(values(j))) for offsets(i) <= j < offsets(i+1). Following the usual convention, offsets(n) == values.size(), where n is the number of queries that were performed and values.size() is the total number of collisions.
  2. TODO


space - execution space that specifies where to execute code
predicates - predicates to check against the primitives
callback - callable function object to invoke when a primitive satisfies a predicate
values - values whose indexables satisfy the predicates
offsets - predicate offsets in values

Type requirements

  • MemorySpace must be accessible from ExecutionSpace. (Kokkos::SpaceAccessibility<ExecutionSpace, MemorySpace>::accessible must be true.)
  • A specialization of ArborX::AccessTraits must match the Predicates as the template argument.
  • The member type ArborX::AccessTraits<Predicates, ArborX::PredicatesTag>::memory_space must be accessible from ExecutionSpace.
  • The static member function ArborX::AccessTraits<Predicates, ArborX::PredicatesTag>::get() return type must decay to a valid ArborX predicate. Such predicate may be generated by one of the functions listed below:
  • Callback must be a valid ArborX callback
  • Values and Offsets must be (managed) Kokkos views accessible from ExecutionSpace.

Return value



O(M log N) where M is the number of predicates (i.e. the value returned by ArborX::AccessTraits<Predicates, ArborX::PredicatesTag>::size(predicates)) and N is the number of primitives stored in the data structure (this->size()).


Memory allocation with Kokkos may throw.



See also

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