The probing utility, is designed to monitor the availability of host nodes, networks, services, and processes. It serves as a lightweight and straightforward tool, ideal for integration into automation scripts or as a metrics provider in various DevOps and network operations. All probes within this utility expose their data as Prometheus metrics or a JSON formatted object exposed at a http port, making it a reliable source for availability metrics related to hosts, networks, routes, and network services.
The utility can perform single or composite checks combined in a scenario described in configuration file in a YAML format. Checks can be executed in parallel, so an entire scenario can execute quickly.
- ping
- web (GET request with response code checking)
- openvpn
- cmd (arbitrary console command with exit code checking)
- traceroute (with checking of presense of a particular host in a traceroute)
- any additional probes can be created
All probes can returns additional data, like timings, response codes, stdout, etc
- console mode: performs single scenario or probe run with text or JSON formatted output to stdout
- continuos (daemon) monitoring mode: performs regular checks and exposes the results as prometheus metrics or a json formatted string
boogieman - version: devel-main-b61f6e4, build: 2023-12-12_210008
boogieman [oneRun|daemon]
oneRun performs a single run, print result and exit
daemon start in daemon mode and performs scheduled jobs
--version Displays the program version string.
-h --help Displays help with available flag, subcommand, and positional value parameters.
Use oneRun command option to execute the particular probe or script. The result is output to a console as a plain text or json formatted string. Also a utility is finished with exit code 0 on success checks execution.
For example:
./boogieman oneRun --script test/script-simple.yml -J
will execute the test/script-simple.yml script and output the result to the console in JSON format./boogieman oneRun --probe ping -c,
will perform ping of two hosts, and output the result to the console.
Run options:
./boogieman oneRun
oneRun - performs a single run, print result and exit
--version Displays the program version string.
-h --help Displays help with available flag, subcommand, and positional value parameters.
-s --script path to a script file in yml format
-p --probe single probe to start (ignored if script option is selected)
-c --config probe configuration string (ignored if script option is selected)
-t --timeout probe waiting timeout (ignored if script option is selected) (default: 0s)
-d --debug debug logging
-v --verbose verbose logging
-e --expect expected result true|false (ignored if script option is selected) (default: true)
-j --json output result in JSON format
-J --jsonp output result in JSON format with indents and CR
./boogieman daemon --config test/boogieman.yml
will start the service in a daemon mode with configuration read from test/boogieman.yml.
Configuration file contains global options, list of jobs (scripts) and a schedule of their execution. HTTP server is listen at the tcp port (default 9091) and exposes scripts execution result as a prometheus metrics and json format text.
Available http endpoints:
- /job?name=job_name - returns JSON object with result of a last job execution
- /jobs - returns a job list in a schedule queue
- /metrics - prometheus metrics
Several probes in a script can be configured to execute simultaneously so an entire scenario can execute quickly. Configurable timeouts are supported for all checks. Use cgroup option with the same value to define concurrent group.
Script file:
- name: gateway-alive
cgroup: 1
name: ping
timeout: 100
# localhost just for an example
- name: internet-alive
cgroup: 1
name: web
timeout: 1500
httpStatus: 200
- name: backup-gateway-disabled
name: ping
# host shouldn't ping
expect: false
timeout: 200
Daemon configuration file:
# default schedule for the job if it's not defined
default_schedule: 60s
# bind the service to the interface:port
bind_to: localhost:9091
# service exit if any of the config files have been modified;
# this is useful for automatically restarting the service by systemd when the configuration changes
exit_on_config_change: true
- script: test/script-openvpn.yml
name: TestJob1
schedule: 10 * * * * * #sec, min, hour, day, month, day of week
timeout: 30000
- script: test/script-simple.yml
name: TestJob2
timeout: 10000
http /job endpoint response example:
http /jobs endpoint response example:
"schedule":"10 * * * * *",
http /metrics response example (prometheus metrics)
# HELP boogieman_probe_data_item probe execution data result
# TYPE boogieman_probe_data_item gauge
boogieman_probe_data_item{item="",job="TestJob2",probe="ping",script="test/script-simple.yml",task="gateway-alive"} 0
boogieman_probe_data_item{item="",job="TestJob2",probe="ping",script="test/script-simple.yml",task="gateway-alive"} 2
boogieman_probe_data_item{item="",job="TestJob2",probe="web",script="test/script-simple.yml",task="internet-alive"} 1237
# HELP boogieman_script_result script execution result
# TYPE boogieman_script_result gauge
boogieman_script_result{job="TestJob1",script="test/script-openvpn.yml"} 0
boogieman_script_result{job="TestJob2",script="test/script-simple.yml"} 1
# HELP boogieman_task_result task execution result
# TYPE boogieman_task_result gauge
boogieman_task_result{job="TestJob1",script="test/script-openvpn.yml",task="gateway-alive"} 0
boogieman_task_result{job="TestJob1",script="test/script-openvpn.yml",task="tunnel-network-routing"} 0
boogieman_task_result{job="TestJob1",script="test/script-openvpn.yml",task="vpn-connect"} 0
boogieman_task_result{job="TestJob1",script="test/script-openvpn.yml",task="vpn-tunnel-alive"} 0
boogieman_task_result{job="TestJob2",script="test/script-simple.yml",task="backup-gateway-disabled"} 1
boogieman_task_result{job="TestJob2",script="test/script-simple.yml",task="gateway-alive"} 1
boogieman_task_result{job="TestJob2",script="test/script-simple.yml",task="internet-alive"} 1
# HELP boogieman_task_runs task run counter
# TYPE boogieman_task_runs counter
boogieman_task_runs{job="TestJob1",script="test/script-openvpn.yml",task="gateway-alive"} 0
boogieman_task_runs{job="TestJob1",script="test/script-openvpn.yml",task="tunnel-network-routing"} 0
boogieman_task_runs{job="TestJob1",script="test/script-openvpn.yml",task="vpn-connect"} 0
boogieman_task_runs{job="TestJob1",script="test/script-openvpn.yml",task="vpn-tunnel-alive"} 0
boogieman_task_runs{job="TestJob2",script="test/script-simple.yml",task="backup-gateway-disabled"} 1
boogieman_task_runs{job="TestJob2",script="test/script-simple.yml",task="gateway-alive"} 1
boogieman_task_runs{job="TestJob2",script="test/script-simple.yml",task="internet-alive"} 1
# HELP boogieman_task_runtime task runtime
# TYPE boogieman_task_runtime gauge
boogieman_task_runtime{job="TestJob1",script="test/script-openvpn.yml",task="gateway-alive"} 0
boogieman_task_runtime{job="TestJob1",script="test/script-openvpn.yml",task="tunnel-network-routing"} 0
boogieman_task_runtime{job="TestJob1",script="test/script-openvpn.yml",task="vpn-connect"} 0
boogieman_task_runtime{job="TestJob1",script="test/script-openvpn.yml",task="vpn-tunnel-alive"} 0
boogieman_task_runtime{job="TestJob2",script="test/script-simple.yml",task="backup-gateway-disabled"} 253
boogieman_task_runtime{job="TestJob2",script="test/script-simple.yml",task="gateway-alive"} 2
boogieman_task_runtime{job="TestJob2",script="test/script-simple.yml",task="internet-alive"} 1237
boogieman_task_runtime{job="TestJob3",script="test/script-cmd.yml",task="gateway-alive-cmd-ping"} 313
RAW_SOCKETS are used to perform ping and traceroute checks. So, the command requires root privileges to perform this checks. You can use sudo, or grant permissions only for operation with a raw sockets by setting the SET_CAP_RAW flag on the executable file. Use setcap command: setcap cap_net_raw+ep ./boogieman