PG2RML-star bootstraps RML-star mappings from property graph databases that can then be customized by users with domain vocabularies. The mappings can then be used with an RML system such as Morph-KGC to generate the RDF-star knowledge graph. To facilitate mapping customization by users, PG2RML-star creates the mappings in YARRRML syntax, a user-friendly serialization of RML. PG2RML-star currently supports the following property graph databases:
pip install git+
usage: python3 -m pg2rml_star [-h] [-o OUTPUT_FILE_PATH] [-v] database_url_path
positional arguments:
database_url_path Neo4j url or path to Kuzu database
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT_FILE_PATH, --output_file_path OUTPUT_FILE_PATH
File path to wire the output mappings (if not provided mappings will be redirected to stdout)
Neo4j example (modify the database URL accordingly):
python3 -m pg2rml_star neo4j://localhost:port@my_username:my_password/my_database
Kùzu example:
python3 -m pg2rml_star path/to/my_kuzu_database
import pg2rml_star
# Neo4j
# redirect output mappings to stdout
# redirect output mappings to file
pg2rml_star.bootstrap_mappings('neo4j://localhost:port@my_username:my_password/my_database', 'mappings.yml')
# Kùzu
# if the Kùzu database is persisted on disk
# if the Kùzu database is loaded
import kuzu
db = kuzu.Database('./test')
PG2RML-star is available under the Apache License 2.0.