Version 2.4.0-alpha8
Pre-releaseVersion 2.4.0-alpha8
For testing purposes only!
feature: Include first support for HRU250 and HRU300 devices
fix: issue #94
Changes from version 2.4.0-alpha7
feat: Restructure code to support VSCode and PlatformIO
feat: Script web page header file creation and compression
feat: Clean up formatting of sources
feat: Added RFT RF/CO2 virtual remote support
fix: remove fallback speed being set on MQTT update
Changes from version 2.4.0-alpha6
feat: add HRU200 settings and status labels
feat: add description of RF debug levels to debug page
fix: ignore itho pwm2i2c command >254 instead of translating it to 254 speed command
fix: log itho pwm2i2c >254 command to lastcmd status topic
fix: log ithoQueue command to lastcmd status topic if no other source has been set
Changes from version 2.4.0-alpha5
fix: correct rounding issues since ArduinoJSON library update
fix: restore RF debug function to show all devices when in debug level 1 or 3 mode
fix: domoticz slider value cannot go to 0
fix: remove unused DHCP renew option
Changes from version 2.4.0-alpha4
fix: HTML API not working correctly for some commandos
fix: Update itho setting on debug page does not give back result of change
fix: Update itho setting on debug page does not handle floats correctly
Changes from version 2.4.0-alpha3
feat: add virtual remotes changes to API, update API documentation
feat: add support for away command of 536-0020 and 536-0024 remotes
fix: remove unused code
fix: restore send join command on power-on function
Changes from version 2.4.0-alpha2
feat: add option to only monitor remote (ie. remote commands and values like CO2 will be present on the API but will not be send to the itho)
feat: make NTP server configurable (#79)
feat: add RF debug button to the debug page for easier access to the debug function
feat: add timer1-timer3 buttons to web interface
feat: tie web interface buttons to backend commands
fix: level commands not parsed correctly, mainly for the RFT-AUTO 536-0150 remote (issue #81)
fix: prevent nullptr exception when no itho is present and a setting is updated through the debug page
fix: rounding issue with remote hum/temp values
Changes from version 2.4.0-alpha1
Feat: Add support for extra itho remote commands (Auto, AutoNight, Cook30, Cook60)
Feat: Add possibility to configure number of virtual remotes
Feat: Add possibility to copy ID of existing remote to be used with a virtual remote
Feat: Add filterReset command to debug page (need testing)
Feat: Log deviceType query failure
Fix: update MQTT status when no itho is detected
Fix: crash when having multiple browser tabs open and requesting settings
Fix: properly initialise RF debug buffer
CVE add-on HW rev 2 firmware binary:
non-CVE add-on firmware binary: