This repository contains testing material for HomeBox.
The files in this repository are used by the HomeBox continuous integration server at
The folder configs/generic contains generic configurations that can be used on any hardware or cloud provider, witout any specificity.
For any question or suggestion, you can write an email to
This folder contains some of the code to control the testing environment on Vultr, and will be completed as an ongoing process. The servers are controlled through Jenkins on, but this can also be done from the command line, with an API key, like the examples below.
This is a huge “work-in-progress”, but it is enough for now to drive the tests of two flavours of homebox instances. There is no dynamic inventories yet, and the IP addresses are hardcoded in the Jenkins jobs. Using dynamic inventories will require creating or updating the DNS GLUE records and the DNSSEC keys (ZSK and KSK) on the DNS provider as well.
This will create the servers if they don't exists.
ansible-playbook -i config/hosts.yml -vv vultr/playbooks/environment-start.yml
ansible-playbook -i config/hosts.yml -vv vultr/playbooks/environment-stop.yml
The servers are automatically turned off after the tests.
This will be used for the weekly tests, when the stack is installed from scratch.
ansible-playbook -i config/hosts.yml -vv vultr/playbooks/environment-reinstall.yml