Setting up production environment automatically for Java web application on Raspbian Stretch Lite. Project provides shell scripts that allow to setting up Wi-Fi network, Jetty web server and deploy Java web app.
- Hardware: Raspberry Pi
- OS: Raspbian Stretch Lite
1. Download and install Raspbian OS image on Raspberry Pi by following this official guide
- With RaspberryPi Zero, you might need to read the guides here.
- With RaspberryPi 3 Model, open up the boot partition and create a new empty file simply called
in the SD card. By default SSH is disabled so this is required to enable it. - Check SSH via
with default passwordraspberry
$scp -r [raspbian-http-devops-folder-path] pi@raspberry.local:/home/pi
$ssh pi@raspberry.local
with default password raspberry
In the terminal
$sudo raspi-config
Then choose Network Options
to configure network settings.
Note: After setting, shut down your Raspberry Pi, and start it up again. You should find that the Raspberry Pi connects using the WiFi as it boots up.
Just simply run the script
$sudo ./install-jetty
You can check Jetty service with:
$sudo service jetty status
If it is not running, then start:
$sudo service jetty start
Run the script
$sudo ./install-app -l [webapp-download-link] -n [webapp-name]
After we already performed deployment completely on one RaspberryPi, it may be sensible and faster process for us to keep a copy of the entire SD card image, so we can restore the card if we lose it or the app becomes corrupt.
1. Insert the SD card in your PC using a USB or built-in card reader. Then list all the filesystems present on your system
$sudo fdisk -l
2. Try to find out the device name of the SD card. on the linux, it is something like /dev/sdb
which has a size of the SD card
To compress, you can pipe the output of `dd` to `gzip` to get a compressed file that is significantly smaller than the original size
$sudo dd bs=4M if=/dev/sdb | gzip > ~/http_raspbian.img.gz
If it is brand new SD card, then firstly flash it with latest Raspbian Stretch Lite OS.
Secondly, pipe the output of `gunzip` to `dd`, it take about 20 minutes.
$gunzip --stdout ~/raspbian.img.gz | sudo dd bs=4M of=/dev/sdb
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at Raspbian HTTP DevOps project. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
Everyone interacting in the RaspbianHttpDevOps project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.
RaspbianHttpDevOps is released under the Apache License.