A neovim colourscheme designed for personal use, built around the following ideas:
- The majority of the text displayed in the editor should be monochrome
- A single highlight colour should be used to highlight the current focus
- Errors and warnings should be unmissable
- The code should be minimal and simple to understand
The scheme has been designed primarily to support dark mode usage, but light mode is also supported.
This theme has been designed to be as easy to follow as possible. There are two files outside this one:
- colors/pax.lua: allows selecting the colourscheme through
:colorscheme pax
- lua/pax.lua: defines the design tokens, the themes, applies the hl groups
Nothing wrong with copy and paste, that's why there's so few files. Copy the lua/pax.lua
file into your configuration, require the file in and call setup
. This is easiest if you intend to play with the theme and want fast feedback.
Copy the whole folder structure into ${YOUR_NEOVIM_CONFIG}/pack/plugins/start/pax
. An example of this can be seen here in my dotfiles. This approach allows you ease of editing the theme, with the added convenience of being able to select it with :colorscheme pax
Although not designed as a plugin, it may be possible to use this using Lazy/Packer. It's not the primary aim of this repo, but it will be investigated and if it's easily manageable, I'll add details here.