First of all, we made this application in the context of a tutored project. This application has been coded in Java.
The goal of this application is to display the information of the tides of a port, according to the date, selected from the calendar of 2021. It is possible to choose among 10 ports of the Channel and the Atlantic. A tide is identified by 4 information: its time, its water height, its coefficient and its type.
You must download the application file. To do this click on the Github logo below.
Then go to the green "code" button and select "download zip".
Finally, you will have to execute this sequence of commands in a terminal to launch the application:
$ javac -cp build/classes -d build/classes
$ (find src -name "*.java")
$ java -cp build/classes Window
If everything went well, the application should have launched, you just have to test our application !
The application has three tabs on the main window. The first tab allows to choose a date on a calendar. The second tab allows you to choose the port and displays a table containing the data on the 4 tides of the day. And the last tab displays the water level hour by hour for the date and the port chosen previously.
If you have a question or a problem, don't hesitate to contact us at the following email address:
- Fix known bugs
- Add a graph that relates the time of a tide to its height
- Improve the interface of the application
We are open to any kind of contributions. People who wish to do so can propose changes through Github by proposing "commits".
The authors of this project are the following:
- GACHE Antoine
We also thank the following people for helping us during the development of this application:
- DELORME Nathan
- ROBBA Isabelle
- WANG Lin Yu
The development of this project has been stopped after the transmission of this one to the jury of our University. But it is possible that the application will be improved later.