This sample demonstrates the ARTIK cloud services Limited Input (device flow) authentication. This flow allows a user to use a secondary device (e.g. mobile phone) to complete authentication on a device with limited input (e.g. no keyboard). In this example, a console application will authenticate when the user authenticates remotely with a phone (or another computer) via the web.
- Java version >= 1.7
- mvn (for installing dependencies)
- Eclipse (or your favorite editor)
You will first need to create an application by visiting
- Add any permission scope or device types to the application (optional)
- Set the authentication type to "Limited Input" (required)
- Retrive the
which will be needed later (required)
If you need help with any of the above steps, read the application guide.
- We will use Eclipse to import project as a maven project:
File->Import->Maven->Existing Maven Projects
- Edit the
and enter yourclient_id
you retrieved earlier.
class Config {
public static final String CLIENT_ID = "your client id";
Run the
. Here are the steps using Eclipse IDE:
Right Click `` from the editor
Run As -> Java Application
If running correctly, it will display a code for the user to enter at the link
, and will wait until user has completed this step.
Generating code ...
> status 200
> Go to and enter code GCBH-DKZP
Using the browser (or any secondary device, e.g. mobile phone), go the the above link to login, enter code, and grant any permissions requested. Upon completion of entering the code, the running script earlier will acknowledge success.
Waiting to enter code, checking again in 5 secs ...
Waiting to enter code, checking again in 5 secs ...
Successful! Code has been entered and received access token:
You may revoke your token by visiting
or by using API call
Licensed under the Apache License. See LICENSE.
Copyright (c) 2018 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.