A Node.js sample that connects to fitbit, withings and jawbone cloud connector to retrieve fitness data.
Running this sample will help you understand the following:
- Authenticating to 3rd party device api to retrieve device data.
- Receiving Messages from the 3rd party service
- Adding an existing cloud connector to your web application
Follow these instructions to create an application.
- Under “AUTHORIZATION METHODS”, check “Authorization Code”.
- Set “Redirect URL” to http://localhost:4444/login/artikcloud/callback
- Under “PERMISSIONS”, check “Read” for “Profile”.
Click the “Add Device Type” button and be sure to enable “Read” and “Write” permissions for the following Device Types:
Withings: dt29673f0481b4401bb73a622353b96150
Fitbit: dt8e71cabde68b4028b106832247cd6d72
Jawbone: dt548080e90be144f080ce28b26be62929
Openweathermap: dt9ad7ecfd34324765a9b12ef98a51b29e
Get the Client ID & Client Secret, which you will need later.
Add your application client id / client secret to config.json
"address": "",
"port" : 4444,
"debug" : true,
"sessionSecret" : "not-so-very-secret",
"oauth": {
"clientID": "your-client-id",
"clientSecret": "your-client-secret",
"callbackURL": "http://localhost:4444/login/artikcloud/callback"
%> npm install
%> ./bin/www
Browse to http://localhost:4444
See larger screenshots with more details in the screenshot folder
If you are not familiar with ARTIK Cloud, we have extensive documentation at https://developer.artik.cloud/documentation
The full ARTIK Cloud API specification can be found at https://developer.artik.cloud/documentation/api-spec.html
Peek into advanced sample applications at https://developer.artik.cloud/documentation/samples/
To create and manage your services and devices on ARTIK Cloud, visit the Developer Dashboard at https://developer.artik.cloud
Licensed under the Apache License. See LICENSE.
Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.