2D city bulding game (like first sim-city), currently WIP
C++ project written using SFML, using CMake, and Piskel (for drawing pixelarts)
- sfml 2.5.1
- cmake (3.13 or higher)
-Use CMake software (and relevant tutorials)
-When in game folder, use commands mkdir build
, cd build
, cmake ..
, make
to build project
You can also run one commands (but it's harder to fix bugs if somethings doesn't work):
mkdir build ; cd build ; cmake .. ; make
Now you can play by launching SFML_SimCity_C executable ("./SFML_SIMCITY_C")
Probably the easiest method is to just launch using and IDE supportin CMake, I personally used CLion for this project
- 2d tile map
- user interaction using mouse and keyboard
- loading and saving to file
- animations that work (although not perfectly)
- GUI library
- game goal
- statistics
- economy and progress (virtual opponents)
- natural disasters
- traffic
- optimizations for lower fps (duplicating frames etc.)
- fixing bugs and bag practices
- and a lot of other things that I would like to have but never had the time to add them :(
Artur Jankowski