A handly tool to count the corporate jargons used in a given text & give detailed report of their (mis-)use
Unnecessary use or corporate jargons in workplace does little to improve communication. Studies have shown that jargons baffles employees and widens the divide between management and staff.
Overuse of those jargons indicates an effort to lie, confuse & misrepresent information.
This application is a fun tool, to check the amount of jargons used in a communication (mail/document/journal).
It is intended to be used by people to check if they got carried away & included a lot of jargons in their mail.
It is also intended for unfortunate victims to see how many jargons are there in a mail/document & learn from it.
Copy the JargonCounter.exe & MasterJargonList.txt in the same folder.
Double click on the JargonCounter.exe to start.
It would display a flash message before minimizing on your system tray.
To analyze a mail/communcation just select the text & press CTRL+SIFT+W. The tool will list the number of words in the selected text, the number of words which were jargons, the percent-jargon-density & the list of each of the jargons used & their frequency of use.
Double click on the icon on system tray to display the settings screen. Click on the Jargon List tab to see the link to the file containing the jargons.
Right click on the icon on system tray & click on "Exit"