Tensorflow implementation of Cycle GAN.
- Dataset are converted to TFRecord format
- Tensorboard visualization (metrics, output generated image)
Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/asahi417/CycleGAN
cd CycleGAN
pip install .
mkdir datasets
bash bin/download_cyclegan_dataset.sh monet2photo
You can choose dataset from following list: monet2photo, horse2zebra, vangogh2photo, ukiyoe2photo, cezanne2photo
python bin/build_tfrecord.py --data monet2photo
python bin/train.py --data monet2photo -e 200
You can tune hyperparameter by modifying this file.
tensorboard logdir=./checkpoint --port 555
Here, some generated examples are shown with different identity map regularizer (lambda_id in the paper).
Fig 1: Horse <-> zebra ([Original, Generated, Cycled, Identity])
Fig 2: Monet <-> photo ([Original, Generated, Cycled, Identity])
Fig 3: Horse <-> zebra ([Original, Generated, Cycled, Identity])
Fig 4: Monet <-> photo ([Original, Generated, Cycled, Identity])
Fig 5: Horse <-> zebra ([Original, Generated, Cycled, Identity])
Fig 6: Monet <-> photo ([Original, Generated, Cycled, Identity])